Costs of IUI

If you’re thinking about intrauterine insemination (IUI) for infertility treatment, you might be questioning its overall cost. If this is the case, you’re not alone. The financial aspect of the IUI process is something that many have to consider, because treatment can be expensive, and much of the time it isn’t covered by insurance.

While the price of IUI really varies from case to case, there are some statistics out there that suggest what an individual or couple might end up paying for treatment.

The American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) reports that on average, costs related to IUI generally range from $275 to $2,457.

Why is there a range?

IUI sometimes requires extra procedures like blood work, ultrasounds, and medication. In these cases, the cost of IUI will go up. Other times though, someone can undergo a more natural and basic IUI cycle, which makes the procedure cost less.

What is the least expensive option for IUI?

The most basic and cheapest way to undergo IUI is to only have sperm washed and inserted via a regular IUI procedure. Sperm washing is done to separate sperm from seminal fluid, and to collect the most motile sperm for injection. Sperm washing and IUI insertion alone normally costs anywhere from $200 to $300 dollars.

Despite the fact that it’s a relatively simple procedure, the cost of IUI really varies depending on what someone needs for treatment. If you have any questions about IUI and its costs, ask your healthcare provider to assess or refer you to a specialist who can tell you more about how much you might be expected to pay.

Other forms of artificial insemination are less technically-involved, and less expensive, but may also be less effective. These include intravaginal insemination (IVI), and intracervical insemination (ICI). IVI may be safe to do at home, but it’s still a good idea to speak with your healthcare provider about it.

  • “The Costs of Infertility Treatment.” RESOLVE. RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association, 2016. Web.
  • USC Fertility. “Back to Basics: The difference between IUI and IVF.” USCFertility. USC Fertility, Mar 2 2010. Web.
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