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Your baby is many things in their first few weeks: your sweet little bundle, a toothless wonder, a serious stinker. But an Olympic bodybuilder? Not quite. Human newborns are actually underdeveloped when compared to other sapiens. Over the first year, your baby will build their core strength heroically, and you can help! Here’s how.
0 months: Nursing and bottle feeding
Feeding your baby can be a workout for both of you. You strengthen your arms and shoulder muscles, and your baby works their teensy core muscles. Whether you’re nursing or bottle feeding, it’s important that you feed your baby in the correct position, so that you don’t injure your neck and back and your baby doesn’t strain their neck either. A nursing pillow like the Boppy® Classic Feeding & Infant Support Pillow can help you and your baby find that perfect ergonomic position during feedings, so you can continue your strength training, I mean, feeding, safely.
3 months: Propping
Babies do a lot of sleeping, eating, pooping, and lounging during their first few months. Your baby will likely be able to hold their own head up around month one, which is a huge feat of neck and abdominal strength. Once they reach this milestone, you can try propping your baby up in a sitting position with a pillow that supports their neck and head, like the Boppy® Classic Feeding & Infant Support Pillow. This way, your baby can practice turning their head while checking out different areas of your home. Make sure to keep an eye on your baby during propping, so that you can be there to help them up if they topple over.
6 months: Tummy time
Starting day one, your baby should spend spurts of time on their tummy. Tummy time is the current that helps your baby strengthen their muscles through the milestone river of pushing up, rolling over, sitting up, crawling, and eventually standing. Your baby may not love tummy time at first, because it’s a pretty foreign position when they spend almost all of their time on their back. To make tummy time more comfortable, you can use a Boppy® Classic Feeding & Infant Support Pillow. It provides the perfect support for your baby to build neck and upper body strength, and places them at the perfect angle for you to snap pictures. Pediatricians recommend 30 minutes of daily supervised tummy time, so grab some toys and have a little fun.
9 months: Sitting
Months of tummy time will have your baby’s core muscles primed for some serious sitting. Around 5 months, they might be able to sit for a second or two without any help from you, though you should probably stay nearby to support them when they topple over. Try using a bright toy to lure your baby into a seated position. Once your baby is strong enough to sit on their for minutes at a time, surround them with a Boppy® Classic Feeding & Infant Support Pillow to provide a little extra support. Then, move the toy to their left and right to help strengthen their little oblique muscles.
Thanks to you and your Boppy® Classic Feeding & Infant Support Pillow, your baby will be propping, sitting, and even walking in no time. Tap below to get your Boppy pillow now.
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