The importance of the first 1,000 days

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Your nutrition while TTC is vital for your health, and the health of any children that you have. Here’s why.

Why the first thousand days?

Pregnancy lasts for around 280 days. It’s obvious that a mother’s health is extremely important during this time, and can have a big effect on the future health of a child.

But only focusing on pregnancy leaves out an incredibly important 720 days!

The philosophy of the “first thousand days” is based on a study from the American Association of Pediatrics that links maternal and family health from preconception through pregnancy, and all the way into a child’s second year. Their research found that the nutrition a child receives in their first thousand days plays a crucial role in their neurodevelopment and lifelong mental health.

When a mom gets the right nutrition during each stage of her journey through early parenthood, it helps her child stays on course developmentally, and be less at risk for disease. During preconception, doctors recommend that women supplement their diets with at least 400 mcg of folic acid to decrease the risk of their babies having neural tube defects.

In the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, expecting moms need diets rich in Vitamin-B12, which promotes the normal growth and maintenance of their babies’ nervous systems. For the third trimester, women need calcium to help their babies’ bones grow stronger.

Even during the postnatal period, moms, especially those who are breastfeeding, need choline and iron to promote healthy infant growth and development.

It’s all about taking a longer view, starting with great nutrition from preconception through a baby’s second year.

What nutrition matters most right now?

Start preparing your baby’s nutritional foundation with the Preconception Multivitamin from Rainbow Light’s For The First Thousand Days series, which is packed with folic acid to support your baby’s neural tube development.

The For The First Thousand Days series helps you ensure that you’re getting the customized nutrients you need at the right time. There’s even a NutriStart Plus powder for toddlers, which supports healthy brain and nervous system development with folic acid, B vitamins, and choline.

How do I get the right nutrients at the right time?

The For The First Thousand Days series from Rainbow Light Vibrance makes it easy to get the right nutrition at the right time with customized multivitamins for preconception, each trimester, and the postnatal period.

Much of the research surrounding the first 1,000 days has been conducted among vulnerable populations in some of the most impoverished parts of the world. To create a healthier world for malnourished women and children, Rainbow Light donates 1% of their sales to Vitamin Angels, a nonprofit organization that provides lifesaving vitamins to mothers and children. Rainbow Light has donated over 60 million vitamins through Vitamin Angels.

Tap below to get your custom nutrition through the For The First Thousand Days series.

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  • Schwarzenberg, SJ, Georgieff, MK. “Advocacy for Improving Nutrition in the First 1000 Days To Support Childhood Development and Adult Health.” Pediatrics. 141(2). Web. January 2018.
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