multitemplate quiz

Quiz: Should you shop wholesale?

Suggested ad (BJ’s Wholesale Club)

You change so many things when you become a parent – should you change the way you shop too? Take this quiz to find out if shopping wholesale is right for you.

How often do you go to the grocery store?

Almost every day
A few times a week
Once a week
A few times a month

How long do you usually spend in the store?

I’m in and out
Between 10 and 20 minutes
At least a half hour
I’m lucky to make it out alive

What’s your go-to item to stock up on?

I’m up to my ears in diapers
Food that lasts – like dry pasta
I’m a paper towel maniac
Baby food all day

How far in advance do you plan your trips?

I make a list the day before
Usually the day I’m going
It’s on my mind during the week
I… don’t really plan them

What are your little one’s thoughts on grocery shopping?

They love it
They tolerates it
They grab everything off the shelves
They, uh, hates it

What does your shopping list look like?

Organized by store, aisle, and section
Just has a few non-standard items
It’s a sticky note that says “butter”
What list? I go where the aisles take me

Does your store accept manufacturers’ coupons?

Yes, I shop at BJ’s Wholesale Club
Nope, I shop somewhere else
I’m not sure
What’s a manufacturer’s coupon?

Your cashier just read you the total. How do you feel?

It’s often more than I expect
Like a coupon master
Great, I’m under budget
Ready to get home and eat


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