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Slideshow: The 4 phases of realizing your baby is under the weather
Every parent knows the panic of realizing that your sweet little bundle’s tears mean more than “I need a snack.”
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“She cannot be sick right now. She was sick a week ago/she starts daycare tomorrow/she’s never had an ear infection.” It’s hard to see your child uncomfortable, so it makes sense that most parents’ first instinct is to hope that their baby isn’t sick. Once you’ve determined that your baby is indeed sick, you’ll move on to…
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“Is it an ear infection? Does this look like a rash or a bug bite? Are babies supposed to cough like that?” Attempting to figure out what’s going on with your own health can be terrifying enough. Identifying your baby’s ailment is truly panic-worthy. This is where deep breaths and a game plan come in handy.
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“If he stops coughing in the next five minutes, we won’t go to urgent care.” It’s hard to know whether a situation is severe enough to warrant a trip to the ER. Without a healthcare provider’s opinion, it can be really hard to tell.
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“How long have we been waiting here?” If you finally decide to go to urgent care, any minute spent in the waiting room standing by until you can get your baby in to see the doctor can feel like an hour.
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