Under the skin
You have multiple layers of skin. The topmost layer is called the epidermis, and below that is the dermis. The dermis is meant to stretch, pull, and bounce back. When the body grows rapidly, like your belly during pregnancy, it can stretch the dermis so much that it can’t recover. The dermis tears. This is when stretch marks start.
A stretch mark, or striae gravidarum, is the scar formed when a tear in the dermis heals itself. Unlike a normal scar, which is created when skin is damaged, a stretch mark forms underneath the outer layer of skin.
They start as bright red, inflamed and bumpy skin. After you lose some birth weight, and your skin begins to heal, they take on a white or silvery color. Like a normal scar, stretch marks can last a very long time.
Prevention and treatment
The absolute best way to deal with stretch marks is to prevent them entirely. Stay hydrated throughout your entire pregnancy by drinking plenty of water every day. Exercise regularly to keep your weight gain gradual. Hydrate your skin directly, and promote skin-cell healing, with Belli Elasticity Belly Oil.
Regularly using Elasticity Belly Oil prepares your skin for stretching so it is far less likely to begin to tear. Its ingredients have been clinically proven to reduce the risk of developing stretch marks. Elasticity Belly Oil soothes skin and has a calming lavender scent. When used daily on the stomach, breasts, hips, and buttocks, it can greatly help prevent the occurrence of stretch marks.
Once stretch marks have appeared, there are few ways to completely get rid of them. You can try microdermabrasion or laser treatments, but both can be very expensive. Your best option for dealing with stretch marks is treating them early and giving your skin time to heal.
For treatment, we recommend something like Belli Stretchmark Minimizing Cream. It contains ingredients clinically proven to reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Belli Stretchmark Minimizing Cream deeply moisturizes your skin, restoring firmness and reducing the severity of stretch marks in as little as four weeks.
A popular study demonstrated that your genes play a huge role in whether you will get stretch marks. In fact, depending on your genes, you might be 40 percent more likely to develop stretch marks. Ask your mother. If she suffered from them, you might too.
There are lots of products out there that claim to prevent stretch marks, but most of them really don’t do much of anything. We’re excited to introduce our Ovia parents to Belli and their medically researched skin care products.
Tap below to learn more. Use the offer code OVIA25 to take 25% off your first order.
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