Becoming familiar with how to feed your new baby is important. Whether you choose to breastfeed or provide your baby with formula, it’s important to ensure that your baby is getting the nutrition they need.
The first few months of life, your baby won’t be eating solid foods. Breast milk or formula are the only options during this time. These alone can provide your baby with enough nutrients to satisfy their needs. Feeding your baby solid foods too soon can result in increased weight gain in infancy and early childhood and negative feeding experiences. Speak with your baby’s healthcare provider before starting them on solid foods.
If you decide to breastfeed, plan to feed your baby every 2-3 hours, including overnight. Yes, this means your sleep will be interrupted. But it’ll be worth it!
Here are some things to keep in mind to feed your baby well and on time:
- Watch for hunger cures, such as them moving their fist to their mouth, turning the head to your breast, or smacking their lips
- Focus more on your baby’s hunger cues than sticking to a set schedule
- Be prepared for multiple overnight feedings and seek help with this if you can
- If breastfeeding, alternate to the other breast after your baby has completely emptied one breast
- Speak to your baby’s health care provider if you have concerns about how much milk your baby is consuming
- Reach out to a lactation specialist for breastfeeding support, especially if you have difficulties or concern
The Ovia Care Team can help you learn more about infant feeding preparation and discuss your support options.
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