Color de la piel alrededor de la incisión de la cesárea

If you had a C-section, your doctor likely created an incision across your lower belly (near your bikini line). This incision will remain slightly raised, puffy, and pink or reddish, but this will go down over time as your scar flattens and heals.

The incision may initially be a purpleish color, but if you notice yellow or green skin or discharge around the incision, it could be a sign of an infection—especially if you also notice redness spreading out from the incision, increased swelling, or a foul odor.

You may have pain for two or three days after giving birth, and your incision site may be tender for a few weeks, so take it easy! If you return home with a bandage, make sure you’re changing it at least once a day or when it gets wet or dirty. Your provider will give you more information about the recovery process and how to care for your incision site.

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