Patient Self-Advocacy

Managing depression in everyday life: Helpful routines

At what point should I call the doctor about depression?

Substance Use Resources

Stressless Fest recap

Can yoga help me conceive?

Everything you need to know about yeast infections, UTIs, and bacterial vaginosis

Five things you should have learned in Sex Ed

How to fall more in love with your body

Different types of artificial insemination available

Finding the right birth control for you

Debunking birth control myths

Why are Long Acting Reversible Contraception options so popular?

Consider this before you talk to your healthcare provider about birth control

Switching healthcare providers: What you should know

Taking a pregnancy test: Facts and fiction

Nutrition to boost male fertility

Nail polish, bug spray, house paint, and more: Just what’s safe?

Healthy snack food alternatives

Being your own health care advocate

Making sure your PCP is right for you

Building and maintaining a strong support network while TTC

Different types of reproductive healthcare providers

What to expect at an appointment with your primary care provider

Foods to fix iron-deficiency anemia

Five things that might happen after pregnancy loss

The best time to take a home pregnancy test

Trying again

Finding support after a pregnancy loss

How to cope after a pregnancy loss

When will my cycle go back to normal?

The details about sex after miscarriage

Can tampons affect your fertility?

Why do you keep hearing about “toxins”?

Alternative therapies for fertility

Clearing up common fertility misconceptions

Smoking and fertility

Talking to a male partner about his fertility

Male fertility myths busted

How fertility and vegetarian diets work

“Is it safe to skip my period?” and other common birth control questions

The ABCs of TTC: The acronyms you need to know when trying to conceive

Managing anxiety while TTC

Observing Women’s History Month 2021 through her healthcare

How to best support your future fertility – even before you start trying

Things condoms can’t always prevent

Finding the healthcare provider who’s right for you

Off the grid: don’t have insurance while TTC?

Fertility tips: quit smoking

Fertility tips: What’s the danger of shift work?

The talk: your partner and fertility

Take a deep breath: How simple breathing can help you start meditating

Early signs of implantation

The TTC blues: friends with kids

Lights, camera, conception! A pre-pregnancy checklist

Fertility tips: The importance of water

Fertility tips: Go organic

Doing you: protecting your emotional health while TTC

When to count your eggs

Spicing up TTC sex

Should I use an ovulation predictor kit?

Four nutrition tips to improve male fertility

Household items that could affect fertility

Could you have a sperm allergy?

Can yoga help me conceive?

What’s the lifespan of sperm after ejaculation?

Should you be taking a prenatal vitamin when TTC?

The most important nutrients to include in your preconception diet

Seven things to avoid while TTC

Five herbal supplements used to boost fertility

Five of the best ways you can prepare your body for pregnancy right now

Self-tracking devices and fertility: everything you need to know

Trying to conceive in a bigger body

Trying to conceive in a smaller body

Are antidepressants safe when trying to conceive?

Can I douche while I’m TTC?

Can herbal remedies help me get pregnant?

Can Clomid help me get pregnant?

The 24 weirdest fertility myths

Will my laptop hurt my fertility?

Will exercising too much hurt my fertility?

Can saliva hurt sperm?

Common emotions when TTC

Should I wait a day between sex when fertile?

How can cervical fluid problems affect conception?

Am I too stressed to get pregnant?

Will having orgasms help me conceive?

18 tips to get pregnant faster that actually work

What are the best sex positions for conceiving?

Getting pregnant after diagnosed infertility

How to take a pregnancy test

Lifestyle changes that may boost your fertility to improve your chances of conceiving

How to use your fertility chart

Are you TTC? How Ovia can help you conceive faster

Causes of infertility

What to expect at your first infertility consultation

Your initial conversation with a patient coordinator

Fertility costs and insurance coverage

Why seek a fertility specialist

Trying to conceive when 35 and older

What you need to know about birth spacing

Miscarriage: what it is, why it happens, and how it can affect future pregnancies

Over one year of TTC

Other options

Trouble conceiving? Get tested for infertility

A healthy lifestyle today can lead to a healthy pregnancy tomorrow: what you can do now

Why you need a trusted healthcare provider when trying to conceive

Finances of having a baby

How smoking and alcohol can affect fertility

Nutrition to promote fertility

Keep it sexy: How to stay satisfied and not stressed when you’re trying to get pregnant

Exercise and fertility

Choosing your baby’s sex: Is it possible?

Why you might want to get genetic testing before getting pregnant

You’re ready to have a baby, but is your partner?

Getting pregnant after birth control

From superfoods to smoking: what can help and hurt your fertility

Tracking fertility to get pregnant faster

When exactly can you get pregnant? All you need to know about the fertile window

Conception planning and your fertile window

7 stubborn fertility myths we’re ready to retire

Getting pregnant: How long should it take?

How you can benefit from tracking your fertility if you’re TTC

Do you know when the flu season comes around?

Four common workout injuries and how to avoid them

Maintaining a healthy relationship takes work

The importance of strength training

Investigating the 2,000 calorie diet

Five “superfoods” that might not be so super

How to advocate for yourself as a patient to get the care you deserve

Tracking your food and drink intake with Ovia

Coconut oil: the (controversial) crowd-pleaser

Exercises you can do in your living room

Managing depression in everyday life: Helpful routines

Sit at a desk all day? Easy stretches to do on your next break

Tracking your activity with Ovia

Five small changes that can help you sleep better than ever

Before bedtime no-nos: Stuff to avoid that won’t help you sleep

Sometimes, support is necessary to deal with mental health issues

The basics of meditation

Mindfulness to mantra: Different kinds of meditation

Seven strategies for getting started with a meditation practice

Seven misconceptions about meditation, debunked

At what point should I call the doctor about depression?

Wild vs. farmed fish: unraveling the truth

How the HPV vaccine can help prevent cancer

Advocate for your health by bringing a support person with you to appointment

When not to settle: choosing the healthcare provider who is responsible

Have better sex by connecting with yourself and your partner

Bedtime goodies that may help you boost that deep sleep already

Restful nights can make happy days: Are you getting enough sleep?

Consent: What is it and why is it so important?

Learn to communicate better in the bedroom and really connect

The sexy side of consent: Learn to talk about it

Clear communication is the backbone of consent

Learn about the BRCA gene and why it’s important

Cardio helps with your health: Great reasons to start a routine

A beginner’s guide to exercise: starting at square one

Feeling unsafe? Recognize these unsafe behaviors

How Ovia can help you be your healthiest, happiest self

All about ovulation: One egg’s epic journey

Are you getting a Pap smear? Here’s the process.

When your cycle’s out of sync: how travel can affect ovulation

How to start an exercise routine – and stick with it

From food pyramids to “MyPlate”: USDA food guides and what they mean for you

Oils are awesome: From olive to argan, the best oils you didn’t realize

So you’ve decided to give up dairy…

What’s the deal with gluten?

Good for you or good for nothing? What you should know about taking a multivitamin

Pros and cons of freezing your eggs

Six meals to boost your greens

Menstrual cycle length: Just what’s normal?

Low-dose aspirin: What’s the deal?

How important is stretching…or is it?

Tips to keep yourself safe from sun damage

Obvious and not-so-obvious benefits of exercise

Understand your mammogram screening

Tracking your moods with Ovia

Managing your period as a trans, genderqueer, or non-binary person

Your new WFH guide: How to work from home the right way


You do uterus: How to be kind to yourself during your period

Where can I access an abortion clinic?

Learn about conception: Babymaking 101

Tracking your ovulation tests with Ovia

Tracking your cervical fluid with Ovia

Tracking your basal body temperature with Ovia

Tracking your sleep with Ovia

Nutritious salad dressing options

Are you getting your omegas?

Using Ovia to track your ovulation – even with an irregular cycle

The good, the bad, the misunderstood: What you need to know about fats

When’s your period? How to track yours with Ovia, and how we predict when it will come next

From cervical fluid to sleep: How tracking your body’s signs and symptoms can identify when you ovulate

Five vegetables for people who hate vegetables

Is the pull-out method safe?

Five exercise myths busted

What you should know about the Zika virus

Aches, cramps, and swollen breasts: why you should track your physical symptoms