Timing Sex

The complete glossary on sexually transmitted infections

Everything you need to know about yeast infections, UTIs, and bacterial vaginosis

Five things you should have learned in Sex Ed

Helpful facts and common misinformation about birth control

Thinking of having a baby? Here’s how long it can take

IVF and ICSI, what’s the difference?

If you think you’re having a miscarriage, take these steps

Trying again

When will my cycle go back to normal?

The details about sex after miscarriage

Why might miscarriages happen: Common causes

Age and male fertility

Things condoms can’t always prevent

The talk: your partner and fertility

Fertility tips: Don’t save it up!

Spicing up TTC sex

What’s the lifespan of sperm after ejaculation?

Is more sex better when TTC through intercourse?

Am I timing sex correctly?

The 24 weirdest fertility myths

Can saliva hurt sperm?

How to time sex correctly if you’re trying to get pregnant

Should I wait a day between sex when fertile?

Will having orgasms help me conceive?

Should I lie on my back after babymaking sex?

18 tips to get pregnant faster that actually work

What are the best sex positions for conceiving?

How to use your fertility chart

Over one year of TTC

Keep it sexy: How to stay satisfied and not stressed when you’re trying to get pregnant

7 stubborn fertility myths we’re ready to retire

Help yourself get better sleep with these routines

Five small changes that can help you sleep better than ever

How the HPV vaccine can help prevent cancer

Have better sex by connecting with yourself and your partner

Consent: What is it and why is it so important?

Learn to communicate better in the bedroom and really connect

The sexy side of consent: Learn to talk about it

Clear communication is the backbone of consent

Managing your period as a trans, genderqueer, or non-binary person

How to ask for what you want in bed: It’s sexier (and less awkward) than you might think

What you should know about the Zika virus

Fertile window for eggs and sperm

Helpful information about vaginal spotting or bleeding

Painful intercourse: Causes and prevention