Infertility treatment options
Helpful articles from Ovia Health about infertility treatment options, costs, and procedures.

Reproductive health | Reproductive healthcare
Should I freeze my eggs?

Reproductive health | Reproductive issues and conditions
IVF and ICSI, what’s the difference?

Trying to conceive (TTC)
Sperm donation 101: The facts

Trying to conceive (TTC)
Sperm donation the second time around: Using the same donor for future children

Trying to conceive (TTC) | Male fertility
Nutrition to boost male fertility

Trying to conceive (TTC) | Pregnancy loss
What’s a missed miscarriage? Here’s what you should know

Difficulty getting pregnant | Infertility
What’s the difference between infertility and sterility?

Trying to conceive (TTC)
The ABCs of TTC: The acronyms you need to know when trying to conceive

Difficulty getting pregnant | Infertility
Causes of infertility

Difficulty getting pregnant | Fertility testing
What to expect at your first infertility consultation

Difficulty getting pregnant | Infertility
Types of fertility treatments

Reproductive health | Reproductive healthcare
Fertility costs and insurance coverage

Reproductive health | Reproductive healthcare
Why seek a fertility specialist

Difficulty getting pregnant
Over one year of TTC

Difficulty getting pregnant
Other options

Difficulty getting pregnant
Infertility treatments

Difficulty getting pregnant
IVF and assisted reproductive technologies

Difficulty getting pregnant | Infertility
Trouble conceiving? Get tested for infertility

Reproductive health | Menstrual cycle health
Menstrual cycle length: Just what’s normal?