Postpartum by week articles

Cardiovascular-Kidney-Metabolic (CKM) syndrome
Taking care of your health after gestational diabetes

Finding her tribe, finding her stride

Managing your postpartum perineal pain

Managing alcohol and drug use after giving birth

Personal stories
Finding the light, the hope and the joy

When to consider seeing a pelvic floor specialist

C-section incision area

C-section incision draining

Don’t be floored by postpartum pelvic floor dysfunction

Pain after C-section

Postpartum pain level

Vaginal bleeding

Important things to know about marijuana use in the postpartum period

Managing your postpartum mental health as a Black parent

Building a healthy postpartum relationship with alcohol

Some pregnancy complications are linked to higher heart disease risk later—here’s how to protect your heart

Taking medication to lower your heart disease risk

Keeping on top of your heart health postpartum

Black Maternal Health: Understanding postpartum complications

Diastasis recti: a gap in your abdominal muscles

Dealing with postpartum hand/wrist pain (de Quervain’s tendonitis)

Understanding postpartum lower extremity pain

Getting the help you really need from extended family during the postpartum period

How to keep your relationship strong after the baby arrives

Vaginal delivery and that first bathroom trip

Postpartum by week
One week postpartum

Vaginal intercourse after pregnancy: What to expect and how to make it better

How to make a meal when you don’t even have time to shower: in conversation with nutritionist Alyson Roux

The nitty gritty: Emotional stress after giving birth

Two weeks postpartum

What is the pelvic floor?

How perinatal mood & anxiety disorders might affect your return to work

Three weeks postpartum

Body image and bouncing forward with Taylor Bjorgum

Your guide to postpartum healing

When can I have sex if I had a C-section?

How can I recognize postpartum depression?

Four weeks postpartum

What to expect from your postpartum healing timeline

How to recognize postpartum depression

Five weeks postpartum

What you can do about postpartum back pain

Welcoming a new baby, and the emotions that come with it

Six weeks postpartum

Body image as a new parent

Preeclampsia: it can happen after birth, too

Seven weeks postpartum

Postpartum by week
Eight weeks postpartum

What you should know about postpartum anxiety

Nine weeks postpartum

Ten weeks postpartum

Eleven weeks postpartum

Twelve weeks postpartum

Thirteen weeks postpartum

Fourteen weeks postpartum

Fifteen weeks postpartum

The signs and symptoms of a postpartum infection

Sixteen weeks postpartum

Seventeen weeks postpartum

Eighteen weeks postpartum

Nineteen weeks postpartum

Recognizing the signs of DVT and pulmonary embolism

Twenty weeks postpartum

Twenty-one weeks postpartum

Twenty-two weeks postpartum

Twenty-three weeks postpartum

Twenty-four weeks postpartum

Twenty-five weeks postpartum

What you should know if you have a history of anxiety disorders

What is libido? Plus the factors that can influence it

Where you can find mental health support

Twenty-six weeks postpartum

The latest guidelines for postpartum care

My struggle to find birth control that’s a good fit for me postpartum

Why is my libido low? 3 Common reasons for low sex drive

Self-care for the introverted: Needing peace and quiet, space and time (alone) as a parent

7 things to remind yourself when you’re having “one of those days”