Baby Motor Skills

Is your toddler ready to hold a crayon yet?

A toddler walking timeline

Stages of crawling

Smiling and newborns

11 weeks old

The evolution of a toddler’s pencil grip

9 weeks old

8 weeks old

Your newborn’s reflexes

The benefits of letting toddlers climb

When will my toddler learn to jump?

The development of handedness in toddlers

Climbing toddlers

Sports skills and toddler development

When will my toddler waltz? A skills breakdown

The tenets of tidiness: Teaching your toddler about cleaning up

Adding physical activity to a city-dwelling toddler’s life

Physical changes in the second year

Your toddler the escape artist

When do babies start walking up the stairs?

What happens when my child starts climbing?

When do babies start pulling up?

What is cross-crawling?

8 months old

Does this mean baby is a lefty?

What is scooting?

Signs a baby is getting ready to crawl

Development of the pincer grasp

Adventures of the bouncing baby

6 months old

Motor skills at 5 months

4 months old

10 weeks old

Toddler dancing development

Encouraging self-sufficiency in your toddler

Practical ways to practice fine motor skills

What to do when your toddler picks up a “throwing things” habit

9 months old

12 weeks old

3 months

The effects of play on development

Second year milestones

Should my toddler be in swimming lessons?

Preemie milestones for the first year

10 months old

What if my child still isn’t walking?

7 months old

11 months old

5 months old

7 weeks old

6 weeks old

5 weeks old

4 weeks old

3 weeks old

1 week old