Baby's development and growth
Baby is growing by the second and keeping track of all the changes they're going through can be tricky. Here's some info about baby's development & growth.

Social and emotional development
Encouraging pretend-play

Social and emotional development
Toddler copying actions

Social and emotional development
When to get involved in toddler arguments or fights

Raising baby | Parenting styles
When should I stop bringing my child of the opposite sex into the bathroom with me?

Social and emotional development
Toddlers and magical thinking

Baby's first year | Preemie baby
Parents and preemie milestones

Social and emotional development
When can children recognize themselves in mirrors?

Raising baby | Baby activities
Toddlers and tablets

Baby milestones
When to start giving responsibilities

Potty training
Signs baby is ready for potty training

Social and emotional development
Teaching your child not to bully

Life as a new parent | Baby gear
When to stop using the high chair

Social and emotional development
How much TV should a toddler watch?

Baby's first year | Baby growth month by month
10 months old

Physical development
What if my child still isn’t walking?

Baby's first year | Baby growth month by month
7 months old

Baby's first year | Baby growth month by month
11 months old

Baby's health and wellness
5 months old

Baby's first year | Baby growth month by month
7 weeks old

Baby's first year | Baby growth month by month
6 weeks old

Baby's first year | Baby growth month by month
5 weeks old

Baby's first year | Baby growth month by month
4 weeks old

Baby's first year | Baby growth month by month
3 weeks old

Baby's first year | Baby growth month by month
1 week old

Baby's first year | Baby growth month by month
The first week: bringing baby home

Social and emotional development
Teaching manners as your child grows

Social and emotional development
Having and teaching compassion toward children with allergies

Social and emotional development
Teaching children to play nice with baby siblings

Social and emotional development
The importance of options

Baby milestones
Helping baby wean off the pacifier

Social and emotional development
Do babies have long-term memory?

Raising baby | Baby activities
Learning through play at 1 year

Social and emotional development
When do babies learn to share?

Social and emotional development
When do babies develop imagination?

Social and emotional development
When will my baby start making friends?

Raising baby | Parenting styles
What should I have my baby call me?

Social and emotional development
How to cope when your baby plays favorites

Raising baby | Parenting styles
How do I know if my baby likes me?

Baby's health and wellness | Baby nutrition and eating
How do I switch my baby from bottle to cup?

Social and emotional development
Baby’s personality: Chess and Thomas’ baby temperaments

Physical development
Pointing as communication

Baby's health and wellness | Baby Sleep Health
Helping to ease the room-sharing transition

Language and communication development
Babies and body language

Raising baby | Baby activities
When do babies start interacting with books?