Raising baby
Raising a baby is different for everyone. You have to find what is the best for you and your family!

Life as a new parent | Relationship with your partner
Dear Ovia, How do I get my husband involved more with the baby

Baby's health and wellness
How to help your child get comfortable wearing a mask

Life as a new parent | Going back to work after baby
Practical tips for how to juggle working from home and caring for a young child

Baby's health and wellness | Baby nutrition and eating
Is your baby ready for solids? Top 7 signs to look for

Life as a new parent | LGBTQIA families
Explaining gender and orientation to your child

Baby activities
How much is too much? How my family finally found balance with my daughter’s extracurricular activities

Baby activities
Too many extracurricular activities: Tips for how to find balance and figure out what’s best for your child

Parenting styles
Raising a gender creative kid

Baby's development and growth | Social and emotional development
How to support our LGBTQ+ kids

Baby's development and growth | Social and emotional development
11 fun and easy ways to share quality time with your kids

Parenting styles
6 hilarious mom mealtime hacks

Baby's health and wellness
COVID-19 and pediatrics: Your questions answered

Spring cleaning with little ones at home

A new mom finds some everyday magic: How a children’s book character taught me patience

Life as a new parent | Baby gear
How long can my toddler ride in a sling or backpack?

Baby's development and growth | Social and emotional development
Clingy behaviors in toddlers

Baby's development and growth | Baby milestones
Helping baby reach milestones

Baby activities
Not quite the foxtrot: Dancing games for toddlers

Toddlers and grown-up parties

Baby's development and growth | Social and emotional development
Talking to your toddler about street safety

Tricycle-riding hot spots for city-dwelling tots

Baby's development and growth | Social and emotional development
Surviving cooking with kids

Baby activities
Indoor activities for a snow day

Baby's development and growth | Social and emotional development
How will I introduce the idea of a sibling to a toddler?

Baby activities
The benefits of singing with your toddler

Baby activities
Rainy day activities that won’t wreck your home

Baby activities
Getting a reluctant toddler to enjoy playing outside

Baby activities
Do they have to listen to kids’ music?

Your toddler’s unique dress sense

Parenting styles
When your toddler likes to run off

Parenting styles
Getting along with your toddler’s friends’ parents

Parenting styles
How involved is too involved?

Parenting styles
Why praise shouldn’t be demonized

Baby activities
Hiking with your toddler

Baby activities
Fun and games: City planning

Baby activities
Learning toys for your one-and-a-half year-old

Baby activities
Fun and games: This little piggy gets creative

Baby activities
Your toddler the performer

Parenting styles
Dealing with other people parenting your kids

Baby safety
Your toddler and other people’s pets

When should I stop using baby shampoo?

Baby activities
5 simple household objects that double as toddler toys

Baby activities
Fun and games: toys for bath time

Parenting styles
Thinking carefully about social media sharing

Baby activities
Fun and games: Blowing bubbles

Baby activities
Fun and games: patty cake and other clapping games

Baby's development and growth | Social and emotional development
Why do babies like lullabies so much?

Life as a new parent | LGBTQIA families
Navigating parenting roles as LGBTQ parents

Baby's development and growth | Social and emotional development
Do children need role models besides their parents?

Baby activities
10 “old” TV shows to show your kids

Baby safety
Keeping your home safe for a toddler

Baby activities
Rules for a long car ride with your baby

Baby safety
Helping baby play nice with pets

Parenting styles
3 things you won’t realize until your baby is older

Parenting styles
8 things we can learn from our babies

Baby safety
10 things to keep out of baby’s mouth

5 scrapbook-worthy new-parenting milestones

Baby's development and growth | Social and emotional development
Benefits of reading to your baby

Parenting styles
Top 4 diapering dilemmas and their solutions

Baby's development and growth | Baby milestones
When can I move baby to the big tub?

Should I put baby on a schedule?

Should I give my baby a pacifier?

Baby safety
7 car seat rules for a smooth ride

Trimming baby’s nails

Baby activities
Why do babies need to stay active?

Baby safety
8 keys to bathtime safety

Pros and cons of mobiles

Baby safety
What you should know about crib safety

Baby safety
Tips for playing safely with baby

Baby's first year | Crying
Ways to stay sane with a colicky newborn

Baby's first year | Breastfeeding
Is it safe to exercise while breastfeeding?

Baby's development and growth | Baby milestones
Your newborn’s hearing in the first month

Baby's health and wellness | Baby Sleep Health
Baby’s sleep position

Baby activities
8 must-packs for an outing with your newborn

Washing your newborn with a sponge

Baby's health and wellness | Baby Sleep Health
What should I put in a newborn’s crib?

Baby's first year | Baby feeding
Newborn feeding times

Baby activities
Toddlers and gendered toys

Spoiling your newborn

Baby's first year | Twins and multiples
Cost-savers for life with multiples

Life as a new parent | Going back to work after baby
Practical tips for how to juggle working from home and caring for a young child

Baby's health and wellness
How to help your child get comfortable wearing a mask
“You’re such a good dad”: the very nice compliment that makes me feel like a fraud

Baby's first year | Baby growth month by month
Why do some newborns lose weight?

Parenting styles
Setting boundaries with your verbal toddler

Baby safety
Toddler-proofing your devices

Baby activities
Silly songs to sing with your toddler

Parenting styles
Levels of supervision as your toddler gets older

Parenting styles
Handling a swearing toddler

Baby activities
Fun and games: Rolling a ball

What is a baby massage?

Baby's development and growth | Language and communication development
Repeat after me, or on second thought, don’t: Teach your children well, but maybe not to swear just yet

Stranger in a strange land: What it’s like to be the only dad on the playground

Your body after baby | Mental health
Breaking the cycle of anxiety: How I model healthy habits for my own children so they won’t worry like I do

Baby's health and wellness | Baby nutrition and eating
Dad does the cooking: One father on the benefits of giving up stereotypical gender roles

Baby's health and wellness
A way to remember it all: On fear, hope, and all the photos I took when my baby boy first got sick

“When she thought I was a superhero”: On crappy art projects, our kids’ pride in their work, and how they’re always getting bigger

Boys will be boys: What it might mean to raise my son to be a good man, and brother, and person

Wellfleet oysters and chicken nuggets: On patience and teaching children to be adventurous eaters

What we might share, and what might surprise us: My hope that my children will someday share my love of sports, and making peace with the idea that they might not

Baby activities
Activities for sick days with a toddler

Baby's development and growth | Social and emotional development
Celebrate Pride all year long with these inclusive LGBTQ children’s books

Baby activities
Splish splash: outdoor water activities for toddlers in the summer

Baby's development and growth | Social and emotional development
How to talk to your child about race and racism

Baby safety
Talking to your verbal toddler about safety

Baby's health and wellness
Suggested immunization schedule for your baby’s second year and onward through early childhood

Baby activities
Fun and games: Day at the museum

Baby activities
Activities for mixed-age parties

Parenting styles
Helping your nonparent friends get to know your toddler

Baby's development and growth | Social and emotional development
The guest list for your toddler’s third birthday party

Life as a new parent | Traveling with a baby
Adult vacations that are great for kids

Baby activities
Dining out without the stress

Baby activities
Party planning with a toddler: The survival guide

Baby's development and growth | Social and emotional development
Birthday party etiquette

Baby activities
Playground safety rules for your toddler

Parenting styles
Playground manners for both baby and you

Life as a new parent | Single parent families
Extended family networks and only-parents

Baby safety
Safety rules for baby’s first time playing on the playground

Baby activities
Should babies take swimming lessons?

Baby safety
Surprising places crawlers and early walkers can get into

Baby activities
5 reasons to do a parent-baby music class

Your body after baby | Mental health
Hosting a stress-free party

Sleep training 101

Baby activities
Instant hit gifts for toddler birthday parties

Baby activities
6 tips for taking baby to a restaurant

Baby safety
What is BPA? Should I be concerned?

Life as a new parent | Single parent families
Building your support system as a single parent

Life as a new parent | Traveling with a baby
9 tips for bringing baby on a plane

Life as a new parent | Traveling with a baby
Surviving public transit with a baby on board

Parenting styles
Grocery shopping with your baby

Baby's development and growth | Baby milestones
When can I start introducing toys?

Life as a new parent | Traveling with a baby
Comparing baby transport methods

Life as a new parent | Relationship with friends and family
Helping friends and family hold your newborn correctly

Baby's development and growth | Social and emotional development
Talking to your toddler about the connection between meat and animals

Life as a new parent
Washing your newborns’s clothes

Baby activities
Source: Melissa and Doug

Why do some toddlers hate having their hair washed?

Baby's development and growth | Potty training
Hiding while pooping: A step towards potty training

Baby activities
Fun and games: Sorting by color

Baby's health and wellness | Baby nutrition and eating
When can I stop worrying about choking hazards with food?

Parenting styles
Setting limits in the third year

Parenting styles
Things to consider when taking pictures of your children

Baby activities
Fun and games: Sidewalk chalk

Baby safety
Help! My toddler can reach the door handle

Baby activities
Fun games for your two-year-old

Should my toddler be dressing themselves?

Parenting styles
Modifying behavior without being mean

Baby's health and wellness | Baby dental care
Cavities in baby teeth

Baby activities
Does my toddler need more exercise?

Cutting your toddler’s hair at home

Baby activities
Art supplies and your almost-three-year-old

Baby's development and growth | Social and emotional development
Activities for your toddler’s third birthday

Baby activities
Outdoor safety for toddlers

Baby safety
Things that should still be toddler-proofed

Baby activities
Monitoring your toddler’s screentime

Baby activities
Tykes and trikes

Baby's development and growth | Social and emotional development
Letting your toddler win

Life as a new parent | Adoption
Connecting an adopted child with an adoption mentor

Life as a new parent | Single parent families
Can a single parent ever really have a moment alone?

Parenting styles
Figuring out which rules to make and enforce with a toddler

Baby's development and growth | Potty training
What if I started potty training too early?

Parenting styles
Enforcing screen time with toddlers

Baby activities
Storybook guidelines for almost-three-year-olds

Life as a new parent | Adoption
How is raising an adopted baby or child different?

Life as a new parent | Adoption
Talking to older children about a younger sibling’s adoption

Baby's development and growth | Social and emotional development
When you and your toddler don’t see eye-to-eye

Parenting styles
Father’s Day when no one is ‘the dad’

Baby's health and wellness | Baby dental care
Thorough tooth brushing in the third year

Baby activities
Interpreting your toddler’s art

Parenting styles
The Coke vs. Pepsi of new parenthood: know your “mommy wars” topics

Baby activities
The importance of sensory play

Parenting styles
6 parenting truths you might have learned in the first year

Baby safety
Why does my newborn have a soft spot?

Life as a new parent | Childcare options
What to look for in a child care center

Parenting styles
The new parent’s cheat sheet

Baby's health and wellness | Baby Sleep Health
Tips to encourage uninterrupted sleep in your newborn

Baby's development and growth
Your newborn’s reflexes

Baby safety
Your toddler’s relationship with your pets

Baby's development and growth | Social and emotional development
Helping siblings bond and cut down on conflict

Baby's development and growth | Social and emotional development
Building quality time into your everyday routines

Baby activities
When can children start playing sports?

7 ways to encourage kids to help clean up

Potty training: What to do when regression hits

Baby activities
If toddlers watch TV…what should they watch?

Your toddler’s sense of style

Parenting styles
Raising responsible children

Baby safety
Toddler shower safety

Baby activities
Gifts you can make with your toddler

Baby safety
Outdoor safety hazards

Hair washing battles and your toddler

Baby's development and growth | Social and emotional development
Educating your child about the internet

Potty training pitfalls

Baby's development and growth
Talking to your toddler about trying new things

Baby safety
Bathtime safety and your almost-three-year-old

Parenting styles
Teaching your toddler to play nicely with younger children

Baby's development and growth | Potty training
Potty training resistance

Baby's development and growth | Social and emotional development
Teaching toddlers about animals’ feelings

Baby's development and growth
The benefits of letting toddlers climb