Your body after baby

Your body went through many changes while you were pregnant and it might look different now. Let's go over some ways to care for your postpartum body.

woman holds her heart in meditation

Connective Matters: About your Heart

woman getting her blood pressure checked

Connective Matters: Heart Health Steps Towards Preventive Care

Person speaking with Pharmacist

What you need to know about Zurzuvae, the new postpartum depression treatment

Person speaking with Pharmacist

What you need to know about Zurzuvae, the new postpartum depression treatment

A woman goes out for a run.

5 Things to Do to Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer

sharing her truth logo

Sharing Their Truth: What I wish I knew about menopause

Paxlovid while pregnant or breastfeeding

Twenty-six weeks postpartum

Twenty-five weeks postpartum

Twenty-four weeks postpartum

Twenty-three weeks postpartum 

Twenty-two weeks postpartum

Twenty-one weeks postpartum

Twenty weeks postpartum 

Nineteen weeks postpartum 

Eighteen weeks postpartum 

Seventeen weeks postpartum 

Sixteen weeks postpartum

Fifteen weeks postpartum

Fourteen weeks postpartum

Thirteen weeks postpartum

Twelve weeks postpartum

Eleven weeks postpartum

Ten weeks postpartum 

Nine weeks postpartum 

Eight weeks postpartum 

Seven weeks postpartum 

Six weeks postpartum 

Five weeks postpartum

Four weeks postpartum

Three weeks postpartum

Two weeks postpartum

One week postpartum

Couple in bed looks at phone together

Help! I want to have sex more than my partner does

Couple sits up in bed; man looks at woman

Why is my libido low? 3 Common reasons for low sex drive 

Couple in bed laughs while looking at each other

What is libido? Plus the factors that can influence it

women lifts up baby to her face

Clogged or inflamed ducts

Dear Ovia, I’m just not in the mood

Breaking down BMI

Body image and bouncing forward with Taylor Bjorgum

Woman holds baby in a diaper

What to expect from your postpartum healing timeline

A woman and man lean over their baby and smile

Why it’s important to track your physical symptoms postpartum

woman leans over her baby and smiles

Why it’s important to track your mood postpartum

Woman holds her baby and looks away from the camera

Your guide to postpartum healing

view from over a woman's shoulder as her baby nurses

When your birth doesn’t go as planned

two people sit on a couch under a blanket, the man points the remote control at a TV out of sight.

Vaginal intercourse after pregnancy: What to expect and how to make it better

A woman lies on her back on a pillow with her hands to the side and her feet pressed together

Postpartum urinary incontinence

woman kneels on hands and knees on a yoga mat with eyes closed

What is the pelvic floor?

Digital graphic of candle, someone sleeping, a yoga mat, and other items that help reduce stress.

Stressless Fest recap

Mom working with child on her lap

How perinatal mood & anxiety disorders might affect your return to work

Maybe you don’t need playgroups, but you do need connection: Why I craved community when I was a lonely new parent

Resources for LGBTQ+ individuals

The best mental health resources for LGBTQ+ individuals

Mother kissing newborn baby on grey background.

When breast isn’t best: How one mom accepted that breastfeeding wouldn’t be part of her family’s story

9 self-care essentials for today and every day

5 ways your whole family can find some calm 

6 easy, meaningful ways to celebrate your mom if you’re apart

The nitty gritty: Emotional stress after giving birth

The early days: connecting with baby

Women’s history through her healthcare

Women’s history through her healthcare

Ovia’s co-founder Gina Nebesar on her unplanned C-section: “It wasn’t what I wanted, but it was still amazingly special.”

Don’t settle: Find a healthcare provider who really cares

Body Positivity

How to make a meal when you don’t even have time to shower: in conversation with nutritionist Alyson Roux

woman reading book

Taking time to take care of yourself as a single parent

women laughing

Staying close with your non-parent friends

woman and newborn

How breast milk changes as your baby grows

mom kissing baby

What you should know about postpartum anxiety

happy couple outside with child

When can I have sex if I had a C-section?

woman napping with baby

How can I recognize postpartum depression?

A couple running with baby to represent exercise while breast feeding.

Is it safe to exercise while breastfeeding?

woman and newborn

Is drinking alcohol while breastfeeding safe?

A woman with newborn.

7 things to expect after a vaginal delivery

Where you can find mental health support


Dinner for two: 6 eating tips for a healthy breastfed baby

Why you don’t always need to embrace #productivity: Giving up the endless to-do list

illustration of concerned mother peeking into bedroom

3 AM and all is quiet: Reflecting on life after my son’s diagnosis

Mom and daugther doing yoga

Breaking the cycle of anxiety: How I model healthy habits for my own children so they won’t worry like I do

After becoming a mom, a smart speaker helped me find myself again   

Mom playing with daughter

Self-care for the introverted: Needing peace and quiet, space and time (alone) as a parent 

Mom working with baby on her lap

How racism led one new mom to work from home 

Mom and baby

My struggle to find birth control that’s a good fit for me postpartum

Woman on yoga mat in her living room

7 strategies for getting started with a meditation practice

Add description of image

I couldn’t produce enough milk, but I am not a failure: What I wish I knew about breastfeeding when I was struggling to feed my babies 

Woman meditating in her bedroom

Mindfulness to mantra: different kinds of meditation

So much love, so much stress: How meditation can help parents

woman meditating at home

7 misconceptions about meditation, debunked

happy mom and toddler

How meditation can make you a better parent

A person laughing next to some purple flowers.

Your body and period after giving birth

Mother with baby in her arms faces towards a smiling provider

Find a healthcare provider that really gets you

What you should know if you have a history of anxiety disorders

Why bringing a support person with you to appointments can help you advocate for the best healthcare

How to advocate for yourself as a patient to get the care you deserve

Tips for how to cope with postpartum depression in your day to day

A person feeding their baby breast milk.

How long does pumped an stored breast milk stay fresh?

Breastfeeding tips for the vegetarian mom

Nourishing foods to support breastfeeding

Why it’s normal to have complicated feelings about breastfeeding

The self-care you need when breastfeeding

How to find a supportive breastfeeding community

8 ways to prepare yourself for breastfeeding success

Lactation consultants: what they do and how they can help

Breast pain while breastfeeding: What’s normal and when to get help

10 interesting facts about breastfeeding

Breastfeeding benefits for you and your baby

Woman napping on couch

Some way, somehow, get some rest: What you can do to cope with sleep deprivation as a new parent 

couple having a quiet moment embracing

5 ways to get some alone time with your partner

How to recognize postpartum depression 

Busy young family sitting at a table

Big on love, short on time: How to find time for meditation as a busy parent 

Woman embracing herself

Body image as a new parent

My body was no miraculous instrument: On trying to breastfeed and quitting at six weeks

Recognizing unsafe relationships

How friends and family can help out, even when apart

Staying connected with your partner

Clever ways to catch up on your sleep

A parent’s guide to making friends at the playground

Hosting a stress-free party

Low-maintenance birth control methods and your growing family

7 things to say to public breastfeeding shamers

Prioritizing intimacy when you have young children

Welcoming a new baby, and the emotions that come with it

What is post-adoption depression?

6 funny parenting accounts you need to follow on Instagram

Anal incontinence postpartum

Postpartum constipation

What’s normal for the vagina postpartum?

What are nipple shields?

A person holding their crying baby wondering how to get the baby to sleep through the night.

Tips to encourage uninterrupted sleep in your newborn

A toilet to represent using bathroom after a vaginal delivery

Vaginal delivery and that first bathroom trip

8 things to expect after a C-section

Staying active with your toddler

Delicious dinners for the whole family

Ways to ask for your toddler’s “help” when you’re sick

Making time for your own interests with a mobile toddler

Tips to avoid parental burnout

Nutrition after gestational diabetes

Birth spacing and your growing family

Talking to your doctor about birth control at your postpartum visit

Entertaining yourself around a toddler

Making parent friends


Post-weaning blues

Things you know now that you wish you did 4 months ago

A baby about to breastfeed.

Breastfeeding: How long should I do it?

Is it safe to drink coffee while breastfeeding?

Moving Baby out of your room

7 things to remind yourself when you’re having “one of those days”