The efficacy and impact of Ovia Health’s digital solutions

Consumers are turning to digital health tools in higher numbers, and a recent study from Ovia Health published in the leading infertility journal, Fertility and Sterility, validates the efficacy of digitally collected, patient-reported health data. Digital health solutions can play an important role in helping women track their cycles and pinpoint their fertile windows — but not all fertility tracking and pregnancy planning solutions are created equal. Ovia Health’s consumer products and benefits solutions were developed with healthcare specialists and designed for members at every stage of life, filling in gaps in care while encouraging members to see their doctors.
Millennial women are looking to technology to fill gaps in care now more than ever. They are research-oriented, tech-savvy consumers, and 14 million of them have chosen Ovia Health’s digital solutions precisely because we provide clinically backed tools and expert content to guide important fertility, pregnancy, and parenting decisions. Ovia Health’s members are drawn to our user-centered design and log on an average of 30 sessions per month.
All this information enables Ovia Health to continuously improve our proprietary fertility algorithm and fill in gaps in care. Far from attempting to replace a member’s doctor, our solution serves as a companion tool, directing members to consult their doctors when Ovia identifies certain risk factors. We know Ovia Health members choose their primary care and pediatrician providers thoughtfully – Ovia is not a replacement for that in-person care.
But sometimes, and especially now during COVID-19, going into a doctor’s office is not a member’s best option. For fast, at-home guidance, members can speak with Ovia Health-employed, registered health professionals. Ovia Health’s care is revolutionizing health outcomes by providing proactive, preventative, and consistent care at every hour of the day, often before a member even thinks to book an appointment. Our approach means significant decreases in ART utilization, preterm birth, and other preventable health conditions.
Ovia Health gives members the guidance and reassurance they need – which is essential during the COVID-19 crisis. As gaps in care expand, our members need access to education, tools, and resources to make informed decisions. Digital health tools are playing a crucial role right now. And Ovia Health is at the forefront of women’s health because from the very start, we incorporated healthcare specialist input, designed and redesigning for our user, and have always positioned ourselves as a supplement, not a replacement, for in-person doctor’s appointments.