Validating the impact of a digital health coaching service

Authors: Katie Noddin, MPH (Ovia Health), Paige Beauchemin, RN (Ovia Health), Adam Wolfberg, MD, MPH (Ovia Health & Cambridge Hospital), Dani Bradley, MS, MPH (Ovia Health)
Validating the impact of a digital health coaching service on uptake of cervical measurement during pregnancy
According to a new study from Ovia Health, presented at the The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Annual Meeting on April 30th, 2021, women who engaged with health coaches in digital preterm delivery prevention programs were more likely to receive cervical length screening at their mid-trimester appointment, a demonstrably effective way of identifying risk and avoiding preterm delivery.
The study is the first of its kind to demonstrate the impact, efficacy and degree to which digital health coaching can have on maternity outcomes.
Women with short cervixes have a 50% chance of preterm delivery, according to March of Dimes, a leading organization fighting for the health of all moms and babies. Women who have their cervical length measured and received progesterone therapy, if indicated, are shown to have significantly lower rates of preterm delivery.
“These findings underscore how critical it is for employers and health plans to be working with maternity care management and digital health partners that help women understand the issues affecting their pregnancy, advocate for themselves, and ensure the highest quality of care across the continuum,” said Rachel Boyd, VP of Enterprise Marketing, Ovia Health. Download the full study for additional details on findings.
About Ovia Health
Ovia Health has helped over 14 million women and families. We offer a comprehensive maternity and family benefits solution from preconception and pregnancy through return-to-work and parenthood.
Ovia Health:
- Engages women early, and sustains long term daily participation
- Actively encourages partners to participate in the process
- Includes predictive coaching and mobile alerts for identified health issues
- Supports return-to-work with a proven approach
- Boosts utilization across an employer’s benefit ecosystem
- Drives behavior change and reduces maternity costs