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Slideshow: 5 useful ways to spend the time waiting for pregnancy test results
They are the most exciting minutes of the month! They are the most frustrating minutes of the month! They are…a lot of things. At least, no matter what your results are, the time you spend waiting can be useful.
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Also known as high-intensity interval training, this crazy workout takes just four minutes. Choose any cardio exercise you enjoy, and do 20 seconds of going as hard as you can followed by 10 seconds of rest. Do that 8 times and you’ve done Tabata. You’re also ready to check your test results.
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Make a healthy choice
Did you know that committing to one healthy choice makes it easier to make more? If you don’t get your BFP this month, try using this time to take the first step on a month-long resolution. Take a vitamin, pack a lunch, or find new recipes that use a vegetable you don’t normally eat.
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Send a message to a loved one
Pregnancy is a lot easier when you have a strong support network. When you’re thinking about the future, it’s a great time to take a moment and reconnect with the people in your life who will be there for you when the time comes.
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Do a chore
The best way to pass the time is getting active. Start your day with a moment of productivity and everything will look a lot brighter. Throw in a load of laundry, make the bed, take out the trash, anything that will give you a sense of accomplishment.
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Read an article
There is tons of useful information in your Ovia app, and waiting for your results is a great opportunity to learn something new. Just open the articles tab and find something you’d like to know more about. Average reading time is about 3:30.
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Time’s up!
If you were using this slideshow as your distraction, now would be the time to check your test.
Before you do, try to remember that it could be a while before you get the result that you’re waiting for, and that a negative result doesn’t have to be devastating, just a promise that you’ll try again.
When you do, find a fertility partner with answers you can rely on. Our friends at e.p.t® offer the original home pregnancy test, and have provided trusted, easy-to-read results to millions of couples.
When it’s the honest truth that matters most, we recommend e.p.t®.