10 months old 

If they doesn’t have them yet, keep an eye out for Baby’s two top front teeth! Baby’s little chompers aren’t the only ways they look different from when the two of you first met, but the pattern of how teeth grow in is one of the most predictable ways their looks might change. If their newborn curls grow in straight and fine a few months later, there’s no way to predict it. 

With teeth, though, there’s a pretty predictable pattern they usually follow. Once the front teeth grow in, they’re generally followed by the ones on either side, and then by the ones on the other side of that, until Baby is smiling a toothy grin up at you, from some completely unpredictable height, because who knows how tall they are going to get?

Baby is getting better and better at picking up and moving small objects – their coordination has never been better! This is definitely a sign of maturity, but not so much maturity that it’s safe to ease up on watching out for choking hazards. In fact, as Baby gets better at picking potential choking hazards up, it’s up to you to get even better at keeping them away from them. If Baby is desperate to show off their pincer grasp, small, soft foods that they can eat easily, like small cereal puffs, small cubes of cheese, small cubes of tofu, or small pieces of fruit are a great way for them to hone their coordination safely, and have a snack at the same time.

Baby may be especially interested in toys around this time, too. Stacking toys, toys with buckets that objects go in and out of, and toys with moving parts, which let Baby show off all of their new motor skills for you may be a great hit.

And if you haven’t already, start reading to Baby! They are like a sponge right now – soaking up all of the information that they possibly can about the world. And given how short of a time it’s been since they showed up on this side of the womb, there is still a ton to learn. Reading to Baby helps build their vocabulary, and introduces them to many ideas that they couldn’t encounter in day-to-day life – how many farm animals does Baby play with in your average day? Some books also mix in other sensory learning, like textures, sounds, and smells.


  • Says “mama” and “dada” and knows what they mean: This could start as early as 6 months, but most babies don’t fully understanding what they mean until around this time. It’s very possible that this hasn’t happened yet, and it’s also very possible that Baby even has another word or two in their back diaper pocket.
  • Waves bye: If the first rule of parenting is “don’t panic,” the second is “make your baby wave bye to anybody and everybody once they are able to.” Babies love showing their new tricks, so Baby will be happy to humor you on this one.
  • “Cruises” furniture: It’s not quite walking, but it’s not exactly not walking? Cruising involves using the help of furniture to shuffle from place to place, so while it’s probably not how you go about walking, it’s certainly on the right track.

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