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5 benefits of pregnancy sex

It’s easy to find information about why it’s not a bad idea to have sex during pregnancy, but it’s also possible that that information doesn’t go far enough – where are the articles about how, beyond not being a bad thing, sex can actually be a positive addition to your during-pregnancy life? If you’re feeling up to it, there are a few ways (beyond the obvious) that having sex could actually improve your pregnancy experience.

Pelvic floor renovation

Sex can help you build your pelvic floor muscles up, which can definitely help you out in labor, but also works against the incontinence many pregnant women struggle with throughout their pregnancies. You can make the most of this by doing kegels during intercourse.

Sensational sensation

The increased bloodflow in the breast and especially the pelvic area during pregnancy can lead to increased sensation, and can increase your sexual appetite.

Sexual healing

The release of the hormone oxytocin during sex can help with the aches and pains that sometimes come with pregnancy, and can help relieve stress and add to your relaxation, which can even help you out when pregnancy insomnia strikes.

Sex without stress

Pregnancy may be one of the only times in your life when you can have sex without either trying to get pregnant, or trying not to. Why not live it up during this time?

Staying in (sensual) shape

Physical fitness is important for helping yourself stay healthy during pregnancy, and sex is a great way to get a little exercise without having to wrestle with the laces of your running shoes! You don’t need anybody else telling you about the benefits of sex, especially during pregnancy. If it feels good, and you feel comfortable, it’s probably safe and healthy. Pregnancy is a part of life, and so is sex, so it’s only natural that the two go hand-in-hand. Reviewed by the Ovia Health Clinical Team
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  • Mayo Clinic Staff. “Sex during pregnancy.” Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic. July 31, 2016. Web.
  • Mayo Clinic Staff. “Sex during pregnancy.” Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic. July 31, 2016. Web.

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