Your nutrition targets

If you’re pregnant, you’re likely aware that you might need to make some nutritional adjustments to support your growing baby, but what does that really mean? Pregnancy is a really important time to focus on maintaining a well-balanced approach to food across all of the food groups. 

Check out the chart below for a bit of guidance!

Trigger warning* Serving sizes are listed below. If that isn’t helpful to you, skip this one!

First trimester

Food groupServing sizeDaily Servings
Protein3 oz. or 1/2 cup
(about a deck of playing cards)
3 to 4 servings
Grains4 oz. or 1/2 cup
(about the size of a baseball)
6 to 7 servings
Dairy2 oz. or 1 cup
(about the size of a tennis ball)
3 to 4 servings
Fruits &
1/2 cup
(about the size of a lightbulb)
8 to 10 servings
Sweets4 oz. or 1/2 cup
(about the size of 1/2 a baseball)
1 serving
Water8 fl oz.8 servings


Second trimester

Food groupServing sizeDaily Servings
Protein3 oz. or 1/2 cup
(about a deck of playing cards)
5 to 6 servings
Grains4 oz. or 1/2 cup
(about the size of a baseball)
6 to 7 servings
Dairy2 oz. or 1 cup
(about the size of a tennis ball)
2 to 3 servings
Fruits &
1/2 cup
(about the size of a lightbulb)
10-12 servings
Sweets4 oz. or 1/2 cup
(about the size of 1/2 a baseball)
1 serving
Water8 fl oz.8 servings

Third trimester

Food groupServing sizeDaily Servings
Protein3 oz. or 1/2 cup
(about a deck of playing cards)
5 to 7 servings
Grains4 oz. or 1/2 cup
(about the size of a baseball)
6 to 7 servings
Dairy2 oz. or 1 cup
(about the size of a tennis ball)
2 to 3 servings
Fruits &
1/2 cup
(about the size of a lightbulb)
10 to 14 servings
Sweets4 oz. or 1/2 cup
(about the size of 1/2 a baseball)
1 serving
Water8 fl oz.8 servings

Generally speaking, in the first trimester, you most likely don’t need to increase your intake, but adjusting according to what foods you can tolerate may be necessary. In the second trimester, it’s recommended that you add an extra snack a day. Try to make this something with protein, fat, and carbohydrates to help you feel satisfied and meet your body’s needs. In the third trimester, you may need a bigger snack or two snacks extra per day to meet your body’s needs. Listen to your hunger and fullness signals. That is your body communicating what it needs!

Reviewed by the Ovia Health Clinical Team

Read more
  • “Weight Gain During Pregnancy: Number 548.” ACOG. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 1/13/2015. Web. Reaffirmed 2023.
  • Mayo Clinic Staff. “Pregnancy diet: Focus on these essential nutrients.” Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic, Updated January 31, 2025. Web.

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