Everybody’s hospital bills are going to look a little different, but it’s nice to have a general idea of what various fertility treatments are going to cost you. There are inseminations that cost just the price of the syringe, and there are procedures that start at $10,000. When you’re deciding on a fertility treatment that’s right for you, it’s often important to consider the price.
Choosing a procedure such as IVF (in vitro fertilization), GIFT (gamete intrafallopian transfer), or ZIFT (zygote intrafallopian transfer) is usually a pretty expensive decision. These are the most effective forms of assisted reproductive technology, with costs that usually range from $10,000 to $20,000. Costs can go up or down depending on whether you need donor eggs or sperm, additional fertility medication, genetic testing, or other services.
Insemination procedures are less expensive, costing at most about $2,400 for an IUI (intrauterine insemination), though the price is typically much less. Having an ICI (intracervical insemination) done usually costs around $250, and because an IVI (intravaginal insemination) can be done safely at home, it usually just costs the price of sperm and a syringe. Of the different insemination techniques, IUI is usually the most successful because it places sperm directly into the uterus.
Many women use fertility medications on their own or in conjunction with procedures like IVF or insemination. Most fertility medications work to stimulate ovulation or increase egg production. One round of a generic ovulation drug like clomiphene citrate might cost around $15, where a brand-name like Clomid can cost between $40 and $100.
A round of injectable gonadotropins, which are sometimes recommended after clomiphene citrate isn’t successful, could cost anywhere from $100 to $1,000. The cost for any fertility medications will be higher as the dose increases.
If part of your fertility treatment is going to involve using a sperm or egg donor, you’ll need to consider that cost in addition to whatever insemination or implantation costs you incur. A sperm sample could cost as much as $2,000, though the average is usually closer to $500. Donor eggs usually cost around $10,000.
Some costs that are easy to overlook when you’re thinking about fertility treatments are the visits to your healthcare provider. If your insurance doesn’t entirely cover those visits (you might have a co-pay or additional bill after the visit), the costs could add up.
The same idea is true for visits to a fertility specialist, counselor, or therapist. Each of these professionals might be integral to your fertility treatments, and it’s important to consider the cost of their appointments as you’re making a budget.
Insurance coverage for fertility treatment varies greatly by location, and insurer. The most important thing to do is speak with your insurance provider to see what your plan covers and what tests and procedures are not covered. There are currently 15 states with laws that require coverage for medically necessary fertility treatments. Be sure to consult with your provider and insurance company to make sure you know the total costs of any procedure you may choose.
“The Costs of Infertility Treatment.” Resolve. Resolve: The National Infertility Association. 2006. Web.
“Demystifying IUI, ICI, IVI and IVF.” Seattle Sperm Bank. Seattle Sperm Bank. 2015. Web.
“In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Related Treatment Options.” Sutter Health Palo Alto Medical Foundation. Palo Alto Medical Foundation. 2015. Web.
“Discover the latest IUI success rates.” Attain Fertility. IntegraMed America, Inc. 2016. Web.
Mayo Clinic Staff. “Intrauterine insemination (IUI).” Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic. June 21, 2016. Web.
“IVF costs at the Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago.” Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago. Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago. 2016. Web.
Sherbahn, Richard. “PCOS and ovulation problems and clomid treatment.” PCOS and Clomid Fertility Treatment and Pregnancy. Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago. 2016. Web.
- Vega, Maria. “High price of sperm banks.” FitPregnancy. Meredith Corporation. 2016. Web.