Who is a good candidate for IUI?

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a type of fertility treatment that can help many women on their journeys to pregnancy, but it’s not the right option for everyone. Because of how the procedure works, some women won’t benefit from IUI.

Good candidates

A woman who undergoes IUI cannot have two blocked fallopian tubes; at least one should be open. She also typically needs to have a normal supply of healthy eggs. She may also have one or more of the following conditions:

  • Problems with cervical mucus, which could prevent sperm from traveling to the egg
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Abnormal ovulation
  • Mild endometriosis
  • Coital disorders or sexual dysfunction. An example would be erectile dysfunction in a male partner or a sperm allergy
  • A partner with mild male factor infertility, such as low sperm count or low sperm motility
  • Women who want to use a non-partner sperm donor

Not-so-good candidates

This is up to each provider and individual to determine. But for the most part, there are some conditions that make IUI a less ideal procedure. If a woman meets any of the following criteria, she might be advised to try another type of fertility treatment, like in vitro fertilization (IVF).

  • Blocked fallopian tubes
  • Over 40 years old
  • Severe endometriosis
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Low ovarian reserve, or poor egg quality
  • Have tried IUI multiple times before

IUI isn’t right for everyone, and only you and your provider can decide if IUI is a good option for you. But it’s definitely a viable option to consider if you’re struggling with infertility, so talk to your provider if it’s something that you think could help.

  • Deborah Smith. “Intrauterine insemination: Will it help me conceive?” RESOLVE. RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association, 2013. Web.
  • “Are you a good candidate for IUI?” AttainFertility. IntegraMed America, Inc., 2016. Web.
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