You’re absolutely thrilled when you see that positive pregnancy test. But who do you tell? How long should you wait? And what are some cute ways to reveal you’ve got a bun in the oven?
There’s no perfect time for every family
Deciding when to share the news with family and friends varies so much from culture to culture. In many areas, people are encouraged to wait until they have confirmation from their medical provider, until they’ve completed their first ultrasound, or even until they’re into the second trimester. But there can be so many positive reasons to share the news early in pregnancy, and no one can support you until they know what you’re up to! Share your news with your inner circle when you’re ready, and chat with them about what timing is best for your family.
Medical needs also play a big role. If you’re suffering through hyperemesis or have had multiple losses in the past, your decision-making process will be impacted. You may want to relish this small secret for longer than you’d initially thought or shout it from the rooftops. We’re here to tell you that you won’t get this wrong!
Telling your boss
Every workplace is unique. It’s so hard to predict how sharing information about your pregnancy will affect your work environment. With many people now working from home, hiding the news can be fairly simple! But one thing’s for sure. Pregnancy is a protected “class” and you can’t legally be discriminated against once your employer is aware of your pregnancy. You also can’t request accommodations or support without disclosing the news to higher-ups. You get to decide how much discretion you’d like or need at work, but there is no hard and fast rule that you need to wait.
Fun ways to reveal
- Say it with food: Do loved ones have a sweet tooth? Make a batch of cookies or cupcakes and decorate them with words or images related to babies.
- Let the sibling-to-be share the news: If you have a child welcoming a little brother or sister, have them make the adorable announcement that your family is growing!
- Drop hints: Leave a onesie or a bottle around your house. Friends or family who come over will figure it out in no time!
- Tell everyone about their new roles: Buy your mom a “#1 Grandma” t-shirt, or give your best friend a “World’s Best Auntie/Uncle” coffee mug!
Reviewed by the Ovia Health Clinical Team