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Diarrhea when pregnant

Feel free to skip this definition because diarrhea is probably one of those things you pretty much know when you have it. For those lucky few unfamiliar with diarrhea, it is defined as loose, watery, and frequent bowel movements.  Diarrhea can range from mild and uncomfortable to serious and dehydrating. If your stools are bloody, contain mucus, or are entirely liquid, or you aren’t able to keep anything in – it’s time to call your OB provider.

What causes it?

Diarrhea could be a result of factors like food poisoning, certain viruses or your changing lifestyle and hormones. Although over half of all expectant parents will experience diarrhea at some point during their pregnancy, its occurrence is far less common than the other end of the bowel movement spectrum, constipation. It’s worth mentioning, too, that diarrhea at the very end of pregnancy can commonly happen as labor starts and your body is working to contract muscles in that region and prepare for birth!


The BRAT diet of bananas, rice, applesauce and toast was previously recommended to help diarrhea but isn’t commonly used now because it is lacking in some nutritional areas. Hydration is key with any diarrhea in pregnancy, as it is easier to become dehydrated while expecting. Water, popsicles and water rich foods and fruit can all help you stay hydrated. You may want to avoid fatty and fried foods and soda, as these could exacerbate your diarrhea. If you are losing weight, have a fever, or if the diarrhea persists for more than 2-3 days, it’s best to call your healthcare provider.

Reviewed by the Ovia Health Clinical Team

Read more
  • Elizabeth Wolfenden. “BRAT Diet for Pregnancy.” Livestrong. Livestrong, 7/8/2015. Web.
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