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Fainting when pregnant

Fainting is a spontaneous loss of consciousness, and could result in passing or blacking out.

What causes it?

Fainting is usually a result of a combination of factors, all of which are more likely to occur during pregnancy. Low blood pressure is common contributors to fainting during pregnancy, and low blood sugar can cause dizziness or lightheadedness.


If you feel dizzy or lightheaded, it’s a good idea not to get up too quickly, as this could bring on a fainting spell. Staying properly hydrated and maintaining a healthy diet can help prevent fainting. If you do faint or often feel dizzy, you should let your healthcare provider know right away.

Reviewed by the Ovia Health Clinical Team

Read more
  • P Kristiansson, JX Wang. “Reproductive hormones and blood pressure during pregnancy.” Human Reproduction. Vol.16, No.1 oo. 13-17. Web. 2001.
  • F Hytten. “Blood volume changes in normal pregnancy.” Clinics in Haemotology. 14(3):601-12. Web. Oct-85.
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