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Nipple soreness when pregnant

Nipple soreness may pop up for many parents-to-be throughout the course of their pregnancy. Whether sore, tingling, or sensitive to the touch, many women report experiencing pain or discomfort in their nipples.

What causes it?

Your body is experiencing a range of new hormone levels, which can bring skin sensitivity and dryness. It’s also preparing itself for life after delivery, and the possibility of breastfeeding. In the first trimester, this means increased size due to growth of milk-making tissue, and then, as early as second trimester, the production of small amounts of colostrum, or early breastmilk. When you combine all these factors, most folks are likely to experience nipple soreness at some point during their pregnancy.


There is not a lot you can do to prevent nipple soreness, but there are some tips that can help you feel more comfortable. If skin is dry, try moisturizing with coconut oil or another gentle lotion. If skin is irritated, try switching to a 100% cotton soft pregnancy or nursing bra. Hard plastic shells or cups that are sold to wear in your bra can be tempting to try if clothing is irritating your skin, but they can cause further breast soreness if they are worn too often or are too tight. If you’re not sure if your nipple soreness is normal, or if you see visible skin changes on your breasts or nipples, always ask your healthcare provider to check things out.

Reviewed by the Ovia Health Clinical Team

Read more
  • “Leaking from your nipples.” NHS National Health Service, 2/16/2015. Web.

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