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Vaginal discharge when pregnant

Vaginal discharge, known as leukorrhea, is generally white and milky, and is very expected during the first few weeks of pregnancy and beyond. Discharge that takes a shade other than white or smells odd might be a sign of infection. Vaginal discharge may or may not increase as you get closer to delivery.

What causes it?

This vaginal discharge is chemically identical to your regular discharge, but as is the case for all of your bodily fluids while pregnant, the total quantity of leukorrhea increases, and you will notice more of it discharged from your body. Your cervix acts a barrier that retains some of the discharge, so as it dilates and effaces closer to pregnancy, your discharge will likely increase.


There is no way to stop the discharge, but wearing panty liners may help with cleanup. Always avoid tampons during pregnancy, as these can cause complications.

Reviewed by the Ovia Health Clinical Team

Read more
  • “Vaginal Discharge.” MayoClinic Mayo Clinic, 3/1/2016. Web.
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