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White vaginal discharge when pregnant

White vaginal discharge, also known as leukorrhea, is very commonly noticed by moms-to-be throughout pregnancy, and it is generally nothing to worry about. Leukorrhea is odorless or mild-smelling.

What causes it?

Many women notice white discharge even before pregnancy, the only difference being the level of fluids in the body. Pregnant women have way more blood and water in their systems than those who are not pregnant, meaning those who are carrying have a higher likelihood of discharging white fluid.


There’s no way to stop leukorrhea, and you should always avoid using tampons when pregnant, but wearing a panty liner may help contain the discharge. If your discharge becomes tinged with green, yellow, or blood, or changes significantly in consistency or smell, you should probably call your healthcare provider to make sure that all is well.

Reviewed by the Ovia Health Clinical Team

Read more
  • “Vaginal Discharge.” MayoClinic Mayo Clinic, 3/1/2016. Web.
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