Having fun during pregnancy

You’re probably all too familiar with the long list of pregnancy symptoms by now, and the wondrous experience of pregnancy could be overshadowed by the aches, pains, and discomfort you anticipate. After daily encounters with strangers who come up to you and rub your belly, you might want to get away or treat yourself to take advantage of the upsides of pregnancy. Here are some things to try.

Give yourself a makeover

Your body is going through a lot of changes, and you might have a better time during your pregnancy if you embrace your new body. Shop around for cute maternity clothes, hit the makeup counter for tips to reduce that “pregnancy glow”, or get a mani-pedi (just make sure the products are safe!).

Shop for Baby

There are endless “awww”-inducing baby products to cheer you up and remind you of the great things in store after childbirth. Pick out some teeny tiny onesies or get some toys and decorations for their room.

Take some extra time to relax

As busy as you are when you’re getting ready for Baby, you’re only going to be even busier when they are actually here. Right now, though, you’re growing a human being inside your body – anything else you get done at the same time is multitasking. So try taking a little extra time to single-task and wind down with a book, show, movie or project you’ve been meaning to get around to.

Have fun with your partner

Pregnancy tends to be all about Baby, and you and your partner might have put romance aside as you discuss diaper brands, painting the room, or choosing a crib. Go to your favorite restaurant, take a leisurely walk, or see a movie to destress and reconnect.

Pregnancy can feel incredibly annoying and burdensome at times, so it’s important keep in mind that these nine months are a special time when you’re entitled to indulge once in a while. Ovia wants to keep you happy and healthy every step of the way, and that means taking time for yourself to enjoy being pregnant!

Reviewed by the Ovia Health Clinical Team

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