For many women, the first trimester of pregnancy involves a lot of hormone-related symptoms like fatigue, nausea, swollen breasts, and heartburn. Naturally, then, pregnancy-related weight gain goals aren’t always the first thing on a woman’s mind as she navigates the unfamiliar seas of early pregnancy. Fortunately, for the most part, weight gain in the first trimester isn’t too much of a concern.
First-trimester: how much should you gain?
In the first trimester, Baby will be so small that the amount of weight you have to gain is minimal (think five pounds or less). The majority of women usually gain between one and five pounds in their first trimester, although if you gain less – or even if you lose weight – this won’t affect Baby‘s development.
Calorie-wise, this really only amounts to about 1,800 calories per day in your first trimester.
The amount of weight that women gain in their first trimester really varies, so as long as your provider approves, don’t feel bad if you don’t gain much weight during this time.
Other ways to stay healthy in the first trimester
Instead of trying to gain weight this trimester, focus on some other ways of staying healthy.
- Nutrition: Limit junk foods, soft drinks, desserts, fried foods, whole milk, and fatty meats. Eat whole grains, vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy, and lean protein.
- Physical activity: A lot of women find it hard to exercise in the first trimester, with nausea and fatigue running rampant. If you are feeling up to it, try to keep up with a modified exercise plan, making sure your activities are approved by your healthcare provider first!
Final tip: talk to your healthcare provider!
Speaking of your healthcare provider, make sure to talk with him or her about weight gain goals throughout your pregnancy. Your provider can give you tips about all kinds of things including managing your weight gain in the upcoming months.
- “Weight Gain During Pregnancy.” ACOG. Committee Opinion No. 548 from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Jan 2013. Web. Accessed 7/11/17. Available at
- “Weight Gain During Pregnancy.” CDC. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Oct 2016. Web. Accessed 7/11/17. Available at