two babies in hats sleeping next to each other

Hosting a gender neutral baby shower

Leaving Baby’s gender a mystery until delivery is a totally valid option for parents – but what do you say when all your friends and family start asking you what gifts you need? And how should you throw a baby shower under a gender-neutral theme? Here are some tips for a fabulous baby shower without too much pink or blue:

  • Register for gifts every baby needs: Plenty of gifts are useful for boys and girls, like bottles, diaper genies, rockers, and more.
  • Choose a multicolor theme: Make your invitations and decorations with polka dots or stripes to incorporate lots of cheery colors!
  • Make it seasonal: Focus on the time of year when planning your baby shower–maybe create a winter wonderland or a sprightly spring theme to welcome your bundle of joy!
  • Incorporate animals: Every little boy or girl loves cuddly lions and friendly teddy bears–you can have a zoo theme to play on a collection of baby animals or decorate each table with a different animal!
  • Think about classic childrens’ books: Do you have fond memories of Curious George or Dr. Seuss? Use one or more of these stories as a theme for your baby shower.

Even if you and your partner choose to postpone the sex reveal until after your shower, your friends and family might pester you to find out. Let everyone know you are simply hoping for a happy and healthy baby and they will surely follow suit.

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