pile of iodine crystals

Iodine during pregnancy

Iodine is a mineral that the body needs for proper thyroid functioning, and helps Baby build a brilliant brain and nervous system.

How does it help you?

Iodine plays a pretty crucial role in regulating your thyroid and hormone balance, as well as the efficiency with how you use energy. Iodine is vital during pregnancy.

How does it help Baby?

Iodine is very important for helping Baby develop them brain and nervous system. An iodine deficiency could result in serious neurological or other problems for them, so it’s entirely important that you get enough.

Where do you find it?

In the United States, most salt is enriched with iodine, and because salt is so prevalent in many foods, iodine deficiencies in America are quite rare. For those concerned about their iodine intake, eggs, vegetables, and seafood all contain solid amounts of iodine to help you and baby.

What’s the recommended dose?

  • 220 mcg per day when you’re pregnant
  • 290 mcg per day when you’re breastfeeding

Reviewed by Dr. Jamie Lo
Read more
  • Elizabeth N. Pearce. “Iodine in Pregnancy: Is Salt Iodization Enough?” J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 93(7): 2466-2468. Web. 7/8/2015.
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