illustration of developing human baby at 42 weeks

42 weeks pregnant

Come on, Baby! At 42 full weeks of pregnancy, it’s time to meet your little one!

How’s Baby?

Baby’s crucial development in the womb is already taken care of at this point. So, your little one will be well prepared to be out in the world as you make your way to labor and birth.  

At 42 weeks, rates of complications increase, even in pregnancies that have been totally healthy. Your OB provider will do all they can to be thorough and ensure that everything is okay. This typically involves an induction of labor to help coax your little one safely into the world.

And since Baby has been hanging out in your womb for so long, there’s a good chance they might have some dry skin when they arrive, since they stayed in the womb after the protective layer of vernix fell away. But even with a little peeling skin, your baby will be 100% perfect.

What’s new with you?

Waiting for Baby can be tough, especially when you’re past your due date — you could be feeling very ready to be done with pregnancy and excited to meet your little love. Planning an induction can bring a lot of questions, so ask any and all questions to your birthing team! Even though labor didn’t start on its own, it’s absolutely possible to have an empowered and memorable birthing experience. Any moment now, Baby will be nestled in your arms, just where they should be! 

Reviewed by the Ovia Health Clinical Team
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