multitemplate quiz

Quiz: Which scent family is the most you?

Suggested ad (Schmidt’s)

Whether you’re feeling bold and energetic or romantic and mysterious, there’s a scent for your mood. Your sense of smell says a lot about who you are and what you like – it’s personal.

From social butterfly to hermit, where do you fall on the social scale?

The company of a good book is ideal
I love a great party (followed by whole lot of alone time)
A few friends and my family are all I need
I want to be where the people are

Which astrological element are you?

Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

Which aroma relaxes you?

Tea tree

What’s your favorite weekend activity?

Seeing live music
Trying new restaurants
Going for a hike
Taking a nap

What’s blasting from your speakers right now?

Indie pop
Show tunes
Top 40

Favorite month of the year?

My birthday month, obviously
September, the last month of summer
May, the month when showers give way to flowers
January, the start of a fresh year

Which scent makes you think of home?

Musty books
Wood after it rains
A crackling bonfire
Citrus fruit trees

”>Schmidt’s Naturals deodorant formulas use innovative ingredients derived from plants and minerals help neutralize odor and keep you fresh, naturally. They never include aluminum, propylene glycol, parabens, or phthalates (and they smell amazing).

Which mesmerizing scent will you choose? We think you’d like Geranium Flower or Ylang Ylang + Calendula.”>

Explore your scent options

“>”>Schmidt’s Naturals deodorant formulas use innovative ingredients derived from plants and minerals help neutralize odor and keep you fresh, naturally. They never include aluminum, propylene glycol, parabens, or phthalates (and they smell amazing).

Which mesmerizing scent will you choose? We think you’d like Cedarwood + Juniper or Charcoal + Magnesium.”>

Explore your scent options

“>”>Schmidt’s Naturals deodorant formulas use innovative ingredients derived from plants and minerals help neutralize odor and keep you fresh, naturally. They never include aluminum, propylene glycol, parabens, or phthalates (and they smell amazing).

Which mesmerizing scent will you choose? We think you’d like Coconut Pineapple or Lavender Tips.”>

Explore your scent options

“>”>Schmidt’s Naturals deodorant formulas use innovative ingredients derived from plants and minerals help neutralize odor and keep you fresh, naturally. They never include aluminum, propylene glycol, parabens, or phthalates (and they smell amazing).

Which mesmerizing scent will you choose? We think you’d like Lavender + Sage or Rose + Vanilla.”>

Explore your scent options


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