Commit to your best health during your pregnancy!
Here are some helpful tips from Blue Cross you can use during your 9-month adventure.
- Make regular doctor’s appointments, and keep them.
- Be prepared for testing.
- Gain weight at a moderate pace.
- New or unusual symptom? Call your doctor.
- Take the time to practice mindfulness and de-stress.
Based on your responses to the Ovia health questionnaire assessing potential pregnancy risks, you have access to a special maternity benefit through Blue Cross. At no cost to you, you can talk to a Blue Cross on-call nurse who’ll answer questions about symptoms, help you understand what to expect in the coming weeks, go over your personal health needs, help create a plan to commit to your best overall well-being, offer recommendations for doctors and hospitals, and help you prepare for life with a newborn.
Nurses are available Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., EST.