Your baby’s name is just a swipe away!

Your baby’s name is just a swipe away!

Choosing a baby name is a different experience for every parent — some have had a name picked out since childhood, some comb through baby name books, and some wait until they meet their little one to decide. Whatever your style is, My baby names in Ovia Pregnancy makes the process of choosing a name fun and easy. 

It’s an important decision — your child’s name is likely the first word they will write, the way you will refer to them every day, and the foundation of their early identity. There are some practical aspects to consider as well: origin, meaning, last name, middle name, nicknames, initials, the list goes on! Do you go trendy or classic? How do you solicit your family and friends’ thoughts without inviting too many clashing opinions? 

Choosing a name is one of those enjoyable tasks to check off your list — but it can be overwhelming. My baby names eliminates the stress of thinking of names, so that you can dive in and fully enjoy the process of choosing one!

Sort — Narrow your search by gender association (any, feminine, neutral, or masculine) and/or first letter

Swipe — Swipe through thousands of names to find the one that’s just right

Discover — Learn more about a name’s meaning, possible nicknames, and popularity among Ovia users

Save — View all your “liked” and “loved” names in a consolidated list

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