
Why Clearblue ovulation tests are different

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It’s true: not all ovulation predictor kits (OPKs) are created equal. In fact, some are little more than a test strip that you’re asked to pee on. Here’s why we recommend you test using Clearblue.

Personalized results

As you approach your fertile window, your body will begin to produce more luteinizing hormone (LH) and estrogen, which signal that ovulation is about to happen. How large this increase is can differ from one person to the next, which is why Clearblue ovulation tests have a reusable, digital holder that tracks your individual hormone levels.

This makes Clearblue more personalized than other tests, and will help you identify your most fertile days.

Detects two hormones

The Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test with Dual Hormone Indicator is the only ovulation test that tracks changes in your levels of estrogen and LH. This allows the test to identify additional high fertility days before your two peak fertility days.

Clearblue identifies more fertile days than other ovulation tests, which gives you increased flexibility to plan your baby-making, and gives you more opportunities to become pregnant.

Easy to read

When you’re trying to be precise, clear results are important. Clearblue is really unique in the way they give you your test results. When you use a Clearblue test, the digital display will show clear results as either an empty circle, or an easy-to-read smiley face.

Something we really like about Clearblue is the fact that they support all their products with proven science. To make sure that women can accurately read their tests, they performed a study comparing the readability of several leading ovulation tests*. Their results showed that 1 in 4 women can misread a line ovulation test, whereas almost none misread their Clearblue digital tests.

That simple smiley face might seem unimportant, but it’s a really valuable tool for making sure you’re getting accurate results.

The most accurate way to track

You’re using Ovia, and that means you care about accurately tracking your cycle and identifying your most fertile days. Saliva tests, basal body temperature measurements, and even cervical fluid analysis can all leave room for human error. Hey, nobody’s perfect!

When logging your results from an ovulation predictor kit, there is no way more helpful than Clearblue with their easy to read smiley face.

If each piece of data you enter is a single puzzle piece, then an OPK is the picture on the front of the box that you’re trying to build. You could solve the puzzle without it, but having it will make things a lot easier.

Integrates with Ovia

Perhaps best of all, your results from a Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test with Dual Hormone Indicator can now be tracked in Ovia. When you enter your OPK results, you can track both high and peak fertility days, making your future ovulation predictions a lot more accurate.

Tap the button below to find out more about the Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test with Dual Hormone Indicator.

Learn more

* In a UK study of 72 women reading ovulation test results typical of normal cycles (2010)

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