Change in vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge is a very common symptom during pregnancy, and is generally harmless. Normal vaginal discharge is called leukorrhea, and is thin, white, and milky. However, some types of vaginal discharge aren’t so normal, and you may notice discharge that changes throughout pregnancy.

If you notice discharge that is green or yellowish, has a strong smell, or is accompanied by redness or itching, it may be a sign of a problem, like a yeast infection or STD. In this instance, it’s a good idea to call your healthcare provider.

In other cases though, a change in vaginal discharge could indicate something even more serious, like preterm birth, especially if you have other risk factors for it. According to the Marshfield Clinic, changes in vaginal discharge that may be related to preterm birth include:

  • Change in type of discharge
  • Change in consistency or feel of discharge
  • Increased amount of discharge
  • Change in color, especially to a pink or brown

If you notice any changes in your vaginal discharge, it’s best to contact your healthcare provider, especially if you’re at risk for preterm birth.

Reviewed by the Ovia Health Clinical Team

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  • “Vulvovaginal Health.” ACOG. FAQ190 from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Nov 2015. Web. Accessed 6/28/2016. 
  • “Bleeding During Pregnancy.” ACOG. FAQ038 from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Jul 2016. Web. Accessed 6/28/2016. 
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