Herbal supplements to avoid

Herbs are some of the oldest remedies for various symptoms, but unfortunately, they aren’t always safe during pregnancy. Herbal supplements are regulated differently than other medications, and pregnant women could be putting their health and their baby’s health in danger when they take certain herbal supplements.

Which herbs shouldn’t you take during pregnancy?

To ensure that what you’re taking is safe, you’ll want to speak to your healthcare provider about what you’re considering before you try it out. In general, some herbs are safer than others during pregnancy. Your healthcare provider might say it’s fine to have small amounts of rosemary or and red raspberry leaf (depending on how far along you are), but it’s always important to get approval for any herbs beforehand, since they aren’t regulated by the FDA. 

Some herbal supplements can cause unwanted hormone changes, while others may cross over to the placenta and pose a risk to the growing fetus.

The good news is that there are a number of other good home remedies that can help with pregnancy symptoms – for example, Mayo Clinic recommends high-carbohydrate, low-fat foods to relieve morning sickness. So if your provider determines that herbal supplements aren’t a good choice in pregnancy, you still have lots of other options.

  • E Ernst. “Herbal medicinal products during pregnancy: are they safe?” BJOG. 109:227-235. Web. 2002.
  • “Herbs and Supplements to Avoid During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding.” WinchesterHospital. Winchester Hospital, 2017. Web.
  • Mayo Clinic Staff. “Herbal supplements: What to know before you buy.” MayoClinic. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, Nov 14 2014. Web.
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