Pregnant with multiples: (Unofficial) week 1

Welcome to week one of pregnancy! We have answers to all of your questions about being pregnant with twins or multiples — from the first week through birth and beyond. Let’s get started.

How are the babies?

The phrase “week one of pregnancy” can be a little misleading because, well… you’re not technically pregnant yet. It’s called “week 1” because gestation is counted from the first day of your last period through your due date.

With an average 28-day menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs right in the middle (or about 14 days after day one of your period) of your cycle. Whether your babies will come from one egg and one sperm, multiple eggs, or multiple sperm, they’re still waiting in the wings for their chance to fertilize.

So, while it’s called “week one of pregnancy,” you’re not officially one week pregnant (yet).

What’s new with you?

Since the embryos (fertilized eggs) have yet to form, you’re still in the preconception stage or maybe starting an IVF cycle. But if you’ve had multiples before, have a family history of twins, or are planning on transferring more than one embryo for an IVF pregnancy, the possibility of multiples might be at the forefront of your mind.

And while you can take an at-home pregnancy test in a few weeks, an ultrasound won’t be able to confirm whether it’s multiples until week six at the earliest. (Your first ultrasound might be closer to eight or ten weeks, depending on what your healthcare provider recommends).

At this point, you might be looking ahead to figure out your most fertile days so you and your partner know when to have sex. Or if you’re doing IVF, you’re still in the stage before the eggs are fertilized and transferred. And at the time of transfer, you’ll technically be about two weeks pregnant. If you’re doing IUI, you’re still a couple weeks out from the transfer.

Right now is all about taking good care of yourself to prepare for the journey ahead. Getting enough sleep, eating nutritious foods, staying active, drinking plenty of water, and taking a prenatal vitamin can help set you off on the right foot.

Reviewed by the Ovia Health Clinical Team

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