3 weeks pregnant with multiples

Three is a magic number, and this week, there are lots of amazing changes happening to you and your babies-to-be. Let’s dive into what you can expect when you’re three weeks pregnant with multiples!

How are the babies?

The three-week mark is right around the time when your little bundles of joy (or rather little bundles of cells) have implanted into your uterus. This is considered week three of pregnancy because gestation is counted from the first day of your last period. However, implantation is the point when you’re officially pregnant.

The inner cells are turning into embryos and getting nourishment from your blood, and the outer cells are forming protective structures (AKA membranes). As the cells continue to multiply, the embryos will grow bigger and eventually develop into babies.

Another cool thing about the three-week mark? The embryos already have genetically predetermined hair and eye color.

What’s new with you?

You’re getting closer to being able to take a pregnancy test, though you might want to wait until after your missed period to get the most accurate result. At-home tests measure the hormone hCG, which starts being released after implantation and doubles about every 72 hours throughout the first trimester.

If you’re pregnant with multiples, you might have higher levels of hCG early on. That said, an ultrasound won’t be able to confirm you’re pregnant with multiples until six weeks at the earliest (but most likely closer to eight or ten weeks).

While it might be too soon to take a pregnancy test or get a sonogram, you could start experiencing some early pregnancy symptoms during week three. You might notice light spotting, which could be a sign of implantation. Bloating, mild cramping, sore breasts, and nausea are also common during the first several weeks of pregnancy. And those carrying twins or multiples might experience more intense symptoms than people pregnant with one baby.

As you wait to take a pregnancy test, we recommend taking prenatal vitamins, eating nutritious foods, and staying hydrated. And pay attention to how you’re feeling. With lots of changes on the horizon, it’s essential that you take care of your mental health too. 

Reviewed by the Ovia Health Clinical Team


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