26 weeks pregnant with multiples

Do you hear what I hear? If your babies could chat in the womb, they might be asking each other that very question! This week, your babies’ senses are picking up while they’re kicking up a storm in your belly.

Your healthcare provider may have you start tracking kicks this week as your babies’ movements get more consistent and defined. What else is happening with your little ones this week? Let’s take a peek!

What’s new with your babies?

As we mentioned, your babies are beginning to respond to sound from outside the womb. Many parents will play music for their little ones during pregnancy or sing them a favorite lullaby. The babies may even recognize it after they’re born! 

You can also spend time talking to your babies if it helps you feel more connected to them. It may seem silly since they can’t understand what you’re saying just yet. However, they will come to know the sound of your voice; in fact, it’ll soothe them more than any song. Their eyes are also starting to open and respond to light.

Your babies are around 2 pounds each now — about the size of a butternut squash! 

How are you doing? 

If you’re feeling a burst of energy this week, you might consider assembling some baby gear or adding it to your registry/cart. It can be helpful to get used to how certain devices work before your babies arrive. Trying to figure it all out with fussy babies in tow is no fun! 

Some people experience restless leg syndrome (RLS) as they approach the third trimester. You can help this condition by using compression stockings, cutting back on caffeine, and taking iron supplements, though you’ll want to speak to your doctor or midwife before adding any new supplements to your routine.

Heartburn causing you discomfort? Sleep can be challenging enough at this point, and we know you don’t want another disruption! Smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day will likely sit better than a heavy meal closer to bedtime. If your heartburn is worse at night, try to avoid fatty, acidic, or spicy food in the evenings. You can even try using several pillows or a wedge to keep your upper body propped up while you sleep.

Will testing take place this week?

You can expect your office visits to pick up at this point to ensure your babies are progressing on target and without complications. Your monthly appointments will now shift to biweekly or even weekly, depending on how closely your babies need to be monitored.

Within the next month, you will complete your glucose challenge test (GCT) to screen for gestational diabetes. For this routine test, you’ll drink a sugary drink and then get your blood drawn an hour later to see how your body processes glucose. This is typically performed between 24 and 28 weeks but may be done sooner if your healthcare provider feels you are at an increased risk.

Let’s plan ahead!

Have you decided on a pediatrician for your little ones yet? If not, now is a good time to start researching doctors. It’s helpful to talk with your insurance company to help find a provider who is in-network with your plan. A bonus if you can find a pediatrician who has experience with multiples and has a lactation consultant in their office. 

If you haven’t already, contact the hospital to pre-register for delivery. This call shouldn’t take too long, and they may have forms to send you. Keep your insurance card handy during the conversation to help it run more smoothly. 

Reviewed by the Ovia Health Clinical Team

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  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. “Multifetal gestation: Twin, triplet, and higher order multifetal pregnancies.” National Guideline Clearinghouse. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, May 2014. Retrieved May 15 2021.
  • Mayo Clinic Staff. “Twin pregnancy: What multiples mean for mom.” Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic, December 13 2014. Retrieved May 15 2021. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/pregnancy-week-by-week/in-depth/twin-pregnancy/art-20048161.
  • “FAQ: Multiple pregnancy.” American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, July 2015. Retrieved May 15 2021.
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