Healthy You Incentives and Ovia Health

Healthy You Incentives (HYI), in combination with Ovia, is a great way to experience the benefits of leading a healthier lifestyle and receive motivation and support for maintaining those healthy habits.

Your benefits

You may have the opportunity to receive HYI rewards after completing the online Health Risk Assessment. You can earn additional rewards for engaging specifically with Ovia Health by logging your health data in the Ovia Health apps or by messaging a health coach if you have a high-risk pregnancy or need assistance with parenting or reproductive health issues.

To learn more about all rewards opportunities, go to Your Gateway > Healthy You > Healthy You Summary > select an activity from Your Well-Being Short List.

Note: Healthy You Incentives is available to U.S.-based employees regardless of medical coverage. Spouses and partners who are enrolled in a company-provided medical plan are also eligible.

Employees in Puerto Rico are covered by a collective bargaining agreement through IMS Teamsters Union are not eligible at this time.

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