Breast pump benefits through Alnylam

In the United States, the Affordable Care Act (2010) mandates that most insurers cover the cost of a breast pump for those who are nursing. This means that if you’re in the U.S. and you go in-network to get a breast pump, you probably won’t have to pay anything for your breast pump.

Why use a breast pump?

An advantage to pumping is the greater flexibility you get when you’ve stocked up on milk. This makes your feeding routine more convenient, because you can now share bottle duties with others who are helping you take care of your child. You can also feed your child breast milk in public without worrying about finding a comfortable space or privacy.

Pumping also helps maintain your milk supply, relieve uncomfortable pressure in engorged breasts (but be careful; over-pumping can make things worse), and supports your baby if they can’t quite latch on yet. Pediatricians recommend waiting 2-3 weeks after birth to introduce a bottle if you plan on breastfeeding. Bottle feeding too soon can interfere with successful nursing.

Your benefits

Through Alnylam’s partnership with Acelleron, if you or your partner is planning on breastfeeding, Acelleron can help you obtain a personal-use breast pump through your health plan. Visit to place your order.

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