When should I starting getting mammograms?

A mammogram is an X-ray of the breast that is used to screen for breast cancer. Like other screening tests, mammograms don’t prevent cancer, but are very important for early detection.

Health Net covers annual mammograms without requiring a referral

Health Net considers certain health services to be preventive care. This means that you’ll pay nothing for these services.

Healthcare providers may recommend different guidelines based on family history and health, as well as an individual’s decision about the risks and benefits.

Mammograms aren’t a substitute for self-exams

Whether you’re receiving annual mammograms or not, self-exams are an important part of early detection. Women who perform self-exams regularly are better able to notice changes in their breasts that may be concerning. If you notice a lump, it’s always a good idea to contact your healthcare provider.

Speak with your healthcare provider

There are many opinions on which screening methods women should use, but if you have any questions, it’s always a good idea to speak with your healthcare provider.

Your benefits

Health Net fully covers mammograms as preventive care.

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