You’re probably noticing lots of changes in your body, especially in your breasts. Breast changes are one of the most widely experienced symptoms during pregnancy. Thankfully, there are ways to make these changes more comfortable.
Nipple changes – prep now, comfort later
As your body gets ready to have a baby, your nipples will start to change in color and size to prepare for breastfeeding. It’s normal for your areola to darken in color and grow in size. This will help your baby locate your nipple and latch on. You also may notice small bumps on your areola. These are called Montgomery’s glands. These glands secrete a natural oil during pregnancy and breastfeeding that help lubricate and protect your nipple while secreting a scent that encourages your baby to latch on to your breast.
Tip: Prepare your nipples for breastfeeding with B love, a liquid nipple moisturizer meant to be used during pregnancy to moisturize the nipple before the baby is born. Used from month 6 of pregnancy until the baby is born and applied like you would lotion, this patent-pending, Argentinian family recipe helps avoid dryness around the nipple area.

Increased sensitivity
The hormones of pregnancy influence your breast tissue in preparation for milk production. This causes swelling and fluid retention in your breasts and nipples and can cause your breasts and nipples to feel tender, sore, or sensitive to touch.
Tip: Wearing loose clothing, a supportive bra, and applying cool compresses to your breasts can help relieve temporary swelling and soreness.
Breast growth during pregnancy can differ from person to person. It’s normal to go up about a cup size during pregnancy.
Tip: It may be worth investing in a maternity bra that you can use now and post-delivery. Also, keeping your skin well moisturized can be helpful in decreasing the itching that comes with your skin stretching as your breasts grow.
During pregnancy, your body makes its first milk, called colostrum. Colostrum is a yellowish-clear, thick milk that is packed with lots of nutrients for your baby. Colostrum typically appears starting at around 20 weeks of pregnancy and continues until a few days after giving birth. It’s normal to have some leaking of colostrum during your pregnancy starting in the second trimester. And your body will continue to make it so no need to worry about running out before baby has the chance to get some!
Staying as comfortable as you can during pregnancy is important and keeping your breasts healthy is a part of that.
B love can help you stay ahead of cracked nipples and confidently embark on your breastfeeding journey.