Smoking cessation benefits through JAS

Cigarette smoking has negative effects on fertility and pregnancy.  Of all the “easier said than done” things in the entire world, smoking might be the best example. But quitting does make a significant difference. If you smoke or consume tobacco and have been meaning to stop, now is the absolute best time for you to start working on quitting.

How smoking affects fertility

The American Society for Reproductive Medicine reports that infertility rates in both male and female smokers are about twice what they are in non-smokers who are trying to conceive. Cigarette smoke can damage and kill eggs. It can also decrease sperm quality, sperm count, and sperm motility (which is sperm’s ability to move until it reaches the egg). 

Women who smoke may go through menopause one to four years earlier than women who don’t.  The sperm of men who smoke is far less likely to fertilize eggs. Smoking can also make IVF (in vitro fertilization) treatments for infertility less effective.

How smoking affects pregnancy

Smoking during pregnancy can lead to serious health problems for a mother and her developing baby. Some risks of smoking during pregnancy include:

  • Increased fetal heart rate
  • Lower amounts of oxygen
  • Placental problems
  • Increased chances of miscarriage
  • Stillbirth
  • Premature birth
  • Low birth rate
  • An increased risk of baby respiratory problems
  • A higher risk of birth defects
  • An increased rate of SIDS

Your benefits

If you’re enrolled in the Cigna medical plan through JAS, you’ll be covered for different smoking cessation services. You can visit the Cigna Knowledge Center to learn more about different options to help you quit smoking.

Your EAP, SupportLinc, can also help guide you to resources that can aid in quitting. To contact SupportLinc call 888-881-LINC (5462).

Select the button below to learn more about all of your medical benefits through Cigna.

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