Substance abuse support through JAS

People who are trying to conceive while struggling with substance abuse issues have a unique set of needs. If they are already pregnant, they will need even more specialized care. Drugs and alcohol directly affect fetal development, so it is important to seek help as soon as you are able.

What are the risks of substance abuse on fertility and pregnancy?

For those who are trying to conceive, drugs and alcohol can have negative effects on their menstrual cycle, egg quality, ovarian weight, and hormonal concentration. All of these effects can make it harder to conceive. During pregnancy, a pregnant person and their developing baby share a bloodstream. This means that substances are shared between the pregnant person and the developing baby. A developing baby does not have enough enzymes yet to constantly detoxify their blood. Repeated exposure can lead to an elevated risk for various forms of stunted development, stillbirth, and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs).

Getting help for substance abuse may seem like a lot, but the effects of substance abuse make seeking support incredibly important. 

Your benefits

If you’re enrolled in a JAS medical plan, you’ll have access to certain inpatient and outpatient mental health services through your carrier. JAS employees also have access to SupportLinc, a virtual health service that can help meet your mental health and substance abuse support needs.

SupportLinc offers expert referrals and consultation, and the ability to reach a licensed clinician by phone 24/7/365. You can access up to 5 face-to-face counseling sessions per year at no cost. This program is completely confidential and free to employees and their household dependents.

To contact SupportLinc call 888-881-LINC (5462). You can also select the button below to visit their website. Sign up with the group code jasforwarding.

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